【英語多益通】看黑暗騎士 搶攻多益閱讀高分

文/周強 ﹝Tim Chou﹞








The movie is incredibly well made, its huge production is quite breathtaking to view. The movie exceeded my expectations in terms of action, and entertainment. The movie's score highlights many of its incredible scenes, and at times, it takes your breath away.

他用了兩次「incredible」,此字雖是「不能相信的」,但現在多半指「難以相信的『好』」,也就是「贊!」。「贊」還可以用「wonderful」、「amazing」、「excellent」、「fabulous」等等。超乎預期用「exceed one’s expectation」,應該一學!「score」在多益測驗最常出現的用法是指「分數」,比方說,測驗分數是「test score」,但是在此是指電影的「配樂」,多學一字,何樂不爲!

Highlight ﹝v.﹞照亮、強調 ﹝n.﹞最精采的部份


Anne Hathaway was completely engrossing, she became "Catwoman", just like Michele Pfeiffer did, although their interpretations were very different, both were equally effective.

engrossing ﹝a.﹞ 使人全神貫注的

interpretation ﹝n.﹞ 解釋;翻譯



Tom Hardy was the main villain "Bane", completely shattered my expectations. One of the best superhero movie villains, I've ever seen. The terror caused by him, is completely believable and quite menacing.


還記得蝙蝠俠第二集裡的大反派「小丑」嗎? 飾演此角的希斯萊傑﹝Heath Ledger﹞,當時因爲入戲太深而服藥過量致死;許多人爲之唏噓。顯然這位影評仁兄也有同感,他這麼說道:

Now I know most will miss Heath Ledger as the Joker.﹝I know I do﹞ I hope people don't compare Tom Hardy's performance to Heath Ledger's, its completely unfair and the two characters are very different. Just read the comics.

performanc ﹝n.﹞ 表演;表現

comics ﹝n.﹞ 連環漫畫




It may not be among my personal favorites but generally this seems to be the movie event of this year. As a film though, this is amazing. A true lasting legacy in superhero story telling and summer-blockbusters.

你喜歡看「哈利波特」吧,但是你看過它的書評嗎? 你喜歡Samsung或是iPhone手機吧,但是你看過它們的使用者評價(review)嗎? 你喜歡Lady Gaga的專輯吧,但是你看過它的歌評嗎? 與你身邊喜愛的事物進行英文的互動,你的多益測驗就可以輕輕鬆鬆得高分。周強老師如是說!


Christopher Nolan's third film in his Batman trilogy doesn't disappoint. The movie is incredibly well made, its huge production is quite breathtaking to view. The movie exceeded my expectations in terms of action, and entertainment. The movie's score highlights many of its incredible scenes, and at times, it takes your breath away.

The film featured excellent performances, by all the cast. Christian Bale, as always is great as Batman. Anne Hathaway was completely engrossing, she became "Catwoman", just like Michele Pfeiffer did, although their interpretations were very different, both were equally effective. Tom Hardy was the main villain "Bane", completely shattered my expectations. One of the best superhero movie villains, I've ever seen. The terror caused by him, is completely believable and quite menacing. Now I know most will miss Heath Ledger as the Joker.﹝I know I do﹞ I hope people don't compare Tom Hardy's performance to Heath Ledger's, its completely unfair and the two characters are very different. Just read the comics.

It may not be among my personal favorites but generally this seems to be the movie event of this year. As a film though, this is amazing. A true lasting legacy in superhero story telling and summer-blockbusters.

