
文/周強(Tim Chou)

好萊塢每隔一段時間就要讓美國白宮倒下!《ID4星際終結者》裡,外星人的巨型飛碟在白宮正上方把它轟爲平地。不久前的《平面攻佔:倒數救援》(Olympus Has Fallen)裡,白宮被北韓恐怖份子攻佔。如今暑假第一檔,好萊塢又在《白宮末日》(White House Down)裡,把這世界權勢頂峰橢圓型辦公室再炸一次。

你看了7月初上檔的《白宮末日》(White House Down)嗎?它的英文故事情節(storyline)只有三句。看完電影再來看英文版的故事情節,聽起來比看電影還刺激!

Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer.

這句話是說,國會警察John Cale要申請他的夢幻工作,想要成爲保護美國總統James Sawyer的特勤隨扈,但是面試後被拒絕。Capitol Hill是美國的「國會山莊」,也是美國的國會所在地,所以Capitol Policeman是保護國會議員的警察系統。而secret service是指美國總統身邊的特別勤務中隊,簡稱特勤。

此外,你如果知道美國NBA職籃的奧運夢幻球隊稱爲dream team,那你應該不難猜出dream job是「夢幻工作」。「deny、protect」這些字該學!

deny (v.) 拒絕;否認protect (v.) 保護、防護

Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group.

這句話是說,他不要讓他的女兒因這個消息而失望,於是他帶她去參觀白宮導覽,而此時這個建築物正被一羣重裝部隊攻佔。“down”雖然是「下」,但它也有「情緒低落、消沈」之意,而let down就是「使失望」。“complex”當形容詞時,有「複雜的」之意,但是當名詞用可以指「綜合大樓」、「綜合建築羣」,在此句中是指白宮這個複合式的建築物。“arm”雖是「手臂」,但是古代人類尚沒有真正的武器時,人的手臂就是最基本直接的武器,所以heavily armed是指「以重裝備武器配備的」。


A. He does not want to let down his little girl with the news.

B. He takes her on a tour of the White House.

C. The complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group.


上述A、B句是用「分詞構句」連接,形成「Not wanting to let down his…」,分詞構句的否定要將not搬到句首;而B、C句是用連接詞when來連接,形成「…White House, when the complex is overtaken…」。組合之後,構成了這個storyline(故事情節)裡,頗有層次感的好句。

Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country.


你記得這種「With his help, I did it.」的句型吧!它是「藉由他的幫忙,我辦到了!」,用的是「With + 名詞(子句),S+V.」(隨着…、用…)的句型!而本故事情節第三句用的也是這種句型,只是把fall改爲falling動名詞,即成爲名詞子句。“chaos”這個字該學,讀音很重要,有兩個母音,讀做[ˋkeɑs]。

chaos (n.) 混亂;紊亂;無秩序狀態

以上三句就是哥倫比亞電影公司暑假第一炮《白宮末日》(White House Down)的電影情節(storyline):

Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer. Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country.


What is mentioned as being included in the storyline?(A) John Cale’s job(B) John Cale’s marriage(C) John Cale’s tour guide(D) John Cale’s arm problem


你看過《白宮末日》了嗎?看完之後,你應該看這一篇英文的故事情節;如果你還沒看《白宮末日》,那你應該先看這一篇storyline。電影要這樣看,你的英文閱讀能力就永遠不會let you down!
