夏禮章/西洋流行天后Cher腳傷手術 將影響年底巡迴計劃


◄已高齡76歲的雪兒仍然在歌壇屹立不搖。 (圖/翻攝自網路)

唱片歌星製作人、電視節目主持人演員、導演及慈善家等多重身份名人Cher,七月五日在推特告訴歌迷們她將動個小手術,Cher一年前不慎摔傷腳,這個手術將延後原訂年底的巡迴演唱。Cher曾經於2005年結束她長達三年且空前成功的告別演唱會,但三年後於拉斯維加復出。Cher 1936年出生於加州El Centro,原在製作人Phil Spector旗下唱和聲,1963年開始與大他11歲的Sonny Bono合作灌唱片並一同主持電視節目,最後並嫁給Sonny,但二人於1975年離婚,Sonny後來從政且當選加州選出的美國衆議員,1998年元月五日因滑雪意外於任上去世。Cher在Sonny&Cher合作的同時就以個人名義推出唱片,且成績相當好,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜得到第58名,在Billboard雜誌排行榜的記錄裡,她是唯一在過去六十年中,每個十年都有冠軍歌曲女歌星,而從1965年她與Sonny合唱的I Got You Babe到1998年的Believe這二首冠軍曲之間相隔33年的記錄也是無人能及的。Cher於1980年代的電影事業也相當成功,她參加演出的Silkwood「絲克伍事件」得到金球獎最佳女配角,Mask「面具」得到坎城影展主角獎,The Witches of Eastwick「紫屋魔戀」使他與 Jack Nicholson、Susan Sarandon等巨星同臺,而終於因Moonstruck「月暈」那部有趣的電影獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎,Cher告別演唱會裡把她的電影精彩畫面剪成專輯與歌迷分享,畫面相當溫馨。Cher在排行榜上名次最好的歌就是1998年底連續4周的冠軍曲Believe,這首歌全球創下千萬張銷售記錄,還獲得Grammy年度最佳舞曲獎,在她的告別演唱會裡空中飛人搭配演出的影音效果令人難忘。

Believe Cher

No matter how hard I tryYou keep pushing me asideAnd I can't break throughThere's no talking to youIt's so sad that you're leavingIt takes time to believe itBut after all is said and doneYou're gonna be the lonely one

Do you believe in life after loveI can feel something inside me sayI really don't think you're strong enoughDo you believe in life after loveI can feel something inside me sayI really don't think you're strong enough

What am I supposed to doSit around and wait for youWell I can't do thatAnd there's no turning backI need time to move onI need a love to feel strong'Cause I've got time to think it throughAnd maybe I'm too good for you

Do you believe in life after loveI can feel something inside me sayI really don't think you're strong enoughDo you believe in life after loveI can feel something inside me sayI really don't think you're strong enough

Well I know that I'll get through this'Cause I know that I am strongI don't need you anymoreI don't need you anymoreI don't need you anymoreNo I don't need you anymore

Do you believe in life after loveI can feel something inside me sayI really don't think you're strong enoughDo you believe in life after loveI can feel something inside me sayI really don't think you're strong enoughDo you believe in life after loveI can feel something inside me sayI really don't think you're strong enoughDo you believe in life after loveI can feel something inside me sayI really don't think you're strong enough

