
化干戈爲玉帛意思是消除仇怨,變戰爭和平,變衝突爲友好。“幹”“戈”是用於防禦和進攻的兩種武器(two weapons of war which were used for defense and attack respectively),借指戰爭、武力衝突;“玉”“帛”指玉器束帛,是古代諸侯會盟、諸侯與天子朝聘時互贈的禮物(jades and silks which were gifts exchanged between feudal lords and tribute paid to monarchs),後來用於表示和平共處之意。

這句話可以翻譯爲eliminate animosity in order to turn war into peace and turn conflicts into amity。



Heaven has struck disaster, bringing our two sovereign lords to face each other, not with jades and silks, but with the instruments of war.