諾魯新總統發聲明挺臺灣 外交部:不畏大陸壓力實屬可貴

諾魯總統安格明挺臺。(圖/翻攝自推特/Republic of Nauru)


索羅門羣島、吉里巴斯接連與我國斷交,改與大陸建交後,外界擔憂將有斷交潮。我南太平洋友邦諾魯(Nauru)新任總統安格明(Lionel Aingimea)26日表示,會長期保持臺灣關係,「諾魯把與臺灣的關係視爲家人,我們與臺灣站在一起」。對此,外交部表示,在臺灣遭受打壓之際,諾魯政府聲明明智選擇,實屬可貴。



外交部提到,臺灣與諾魯兩國高層交流互動極爲頻密,總統蔡英文今年3月「海洋民主之旅」曾造訪諾魯,時任諾魯總統瓦卡(Barón Waqa)也曾於今年1月訪臺;此外,外交部長吳釗燮也曾於8月間在「太平洋論壇」(Pacific Islands Forum, PIF) 會議期間與瓦卡前總統晤談,諾國議長也於同月率團來臺參加「亞太國會議員聯合會」(APPU)。


另一友邦馬紹爾羣島25日也在國會上通過友臺決議,堅定支持臺馬邦誼,及臺灣公平參與國際的權利,馬國總統海妮(Hilda Heine)25日也與蔡英文通電話,說明這項決議,重申馬國政府堅定維護兩國邦誼的立場

諾魯總統Lionel Aingimea支持臺灣與諾魯邦誼的英文聲明原文: President of Nauru His Excellency Lionel Rouwen Aingimea says the country has enjoyed a close relationship with Taiwan for almost four decades and he looks forward to it continuing well into the future. Mr Aingimea said the two nations have a lot in common and noted that Nauru’s Parliament passed a historic resolution in March recognising Taiwan's sovereign rights. “Taiwan has been a good partner and has worked closely with us in many sectors that have brought great benefits to the people of Nauru,” he said. The President also said the two countries share many values. “Both Taiwan and Nauru have different challenges, but what links us are the values of democracy, freedom, the rule of law and global responsibility.” Nauru continues to support Taiwan’s involvement in world forums and signed a petition calling for Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations. “Nauru considers its relationship with Taiwan as that of family and we stand with Taiwan in upholding democratic values and the rule of law,” President Aingimea affirmed.
