
Section Ⅰ Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) from each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

There is growing interest in East Japan Railway Co. ltd, one of the six companies, created out of the privatized nationa__l__ railway system. In an industry lacking exciting growth1, its plan to use real-estate assets in and around train stations__2__is drawing interest.

In a plan called "Station Renaissance" that it__3__in November, JR East said that it would__4__using its commercial spaces for shops and restaurants, extending them to__5__more suitable for the information age. It wants train stations as pick-up__6__for such goods as books, flowers and groceries__7__over the Internet. In a country where city__8__depend heavily on trains__9__commuting, about 16 million people a day go to its train stations anyway, the company __10__. So, picking up commodities at train stations__11__consumers extra travel and missed home deliveries. JR East already has been using its station__12__stores for this purpose, but it plans to create__13__spaces for the delivery of Internet goods.

The company also plans to introduce __14__cards-known in Japan as IC cards because they use integrated circuit for__15__information__16__ train tickets and commuter passes__17__the magnetic ones used today, integrating them into a/an __18__pass. This will save the company money, because__19__for IC cards are much less expensive than magnetic systems. Increased use of IC cards should also__20__the space needed for ticket vending.

1.[A] perspectives [B] outlooks [C] prospects [D] spectacles

2.[A] creatively [B] originally [C] authentically [D] initially

3.[A] displayed [B] demonstrated [C] embarked [D] unveiled

4.[A] go beyond [B] set out [C] come around [D] spread over

5.[A] applications [B] enterprises [C] functions [D]performances

6.[A] districts [B] vicinities [C] resorts [D] locations

7.[A] acquired [B] purchased [C] presided [D] attained

8.[A] lodgers [B] tenants [C] dwellers [D] boarders

9.[A] for [B] in [C] of [D] as

10.[A] figures [B] exhibits [C] convinces [D] speculates

11.[A] deprives [B] retrieves [C] spares [D] exempts

12.[A] conjunction [B] convenience [C] department [D] ornament

13.[A] delegated [B] designated [C] devoted [D] dedicated

14.[A] clever [B] smart [C] ingenious [D] intelligent

15.[A] checking [B] gathering [C] holding [D] accommodating

16.[A] as [B] for [C] with [D] of

17.[A] but for [B] as well as [C] instead of [D] more than

18.[A] unique [B] single [C] unitary [D] only

19.[A] devices [B] instruments [C] readers [D] examiners

20.[A] reduce [B] narrow [C] dwarf [D] shrink

Section ⅡReading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Passage 1

Class informed everything from the circumstances of patients' heart attacks to the emergency care each received, the households they returned to and the jobs they hoped to resume. It shaped their understanding of their illness, the support they got from their families, their relationships with their doctors. It helped define their ability to change their lives and shaped their odds of getting better.

Class is a potent force in health and longevity in the United States. The more education and income people have, the less likely they are to have and die of heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many types of cancer. Upper-middle-class Americans live longer and in better health than middle-class Americans, who live longer and better than those at the bottom. And the gaps are widening, say people who have researched social factors in health.

As advances in medicine and disease prevention have increased life expectancy in the United States, the benefits have disproportionately gone to people with education, money, good jobs and connections. They are almost invariably in the best position to learn new information early, modify their behavior, take advantage of the latest treatments and have the cost covered by insurance.

Many risk factors for chronic diseases are now more common among the less educated than the better educated. Smoking has dropped sharply among the better educated, but not among the less. Physical inactivity is more than twice as common among high school dropouts as among college graduates. Lower-income women are more likely than other women to be overweight, though the pattern among men may be the opposite.

There may also be subtler differences. Some researchers now believe that the stress involved in so-called high-demand, low-control jobs further down the occupational scale is more harmful than the stress of professional jobs that come with greater autonomy and control. Others are studying the health impact of job insecurity, lack of support on the job, and employment that makes it difficult to balance work and family obligations.

Then there is the issue of social networks and support, the differences in the knowledge, time and attention that a person's family and friends are in a position to offer. What is the effect of social isolation? Neighborhood differences have also been studied: How stressful is a neighborhood? Are there safe places to exercise? What are the health effects of discrimination?

"In the last 20 years, there have been enormous advances in rescuing patients with heart attack and in knowledge about how to prevent heart attack," said Ichiro Kawachi, a professor of social epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. "It's like diffusion of innovation: whenever innovation comes along, the well-to-do are much quicker at adopting it. On the lower end, various disadvantages have piled onto the poor. Diet has gotten worse. There's a lot more work stress. People have less time, if they're poor, to devote to health maintenance behaviors when they are juggling two jobs. Morality rates even among the poor are coming down, but the rate is not anywhere near as fast as for the well-to-do. So the gap has increased."

1.Which of the following is probably not class-determined?

[A] The quality of health care one receives.

[B] Knowledge of illness one has.

[C] The odds one gives the doctor a good impression.

[D] The relationship one establishes with the family.

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[A] It is easier for the people at the bottom to get chronic diseases.

[B] Health steadily worsens as one descends the social ladder.

[C] The less educated cannot take advantage of medical advances.

[D] Chronic diseases are often associated with people's unhealthy lifestyle.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

[A] Health inequalities situation within America appears to be improving.

[B] There are high correlations between education and earning power.

[C] Jobs with high control and social support pose a smaller threat to the health.

[D] The risk of ill health is greatest among people being discriminated against.

4.The gap between the rich and poor _____.

[A] is revealed also in morality rate

[B] grows at the same pace as the rate of innovation

[C] is not yet obvious in the United States

[D] shrinks with the advances in medicine

5.The passage is mainly about _____.

[A] great progress America has made in medicine

[B] Americans' concern about health

[C] factors affecting people's health

[D] the widening health gap between different classes

Passage 2

In studying both the recurrence of special habits or ideas in several districts, and their prevalence within each district, there come before us ever-reiterated proofs of regular causation producing the phenomena of human life, and of laws of maintenance and diffusion conditions of society, at definite stages of culture. But, while giving full importance to the evidence bearing on these standard conditions of society, let us be careful to avoid a pitfall which may entrap the unwary student. Of course, the opinions and habits belonging in common to masses of mankind are to a great extent the results of sound judgment and practical wisdom. But to a great extent it is not so.

That many numerous societies of men should have believed in the influence of the evil eye and the existence of a firmament, should have sacrificed slaves and goods to the ghosts of the departed, should have handed down traditions of giants slaying monsters and men turning into beasts-all this is ground for holding that such ideas were indeed produced in men's minds by efficient causes, but it is not ground for holding that the rites in question are profitable, the beliefs sound, and the history authentic. This may seem at the first glance a truism, but, in fact, it is the denial of a fallacy which deeply affects the minds of all but a small critical minority of mankind. Popularly, what everybody says must be true, what everybody does must be right.

There are various topics, especially in history, law, philosophy, and theology, where even the educated people we live among can hardly be brought to see that the cause why men do hold an opinion, or practise a custom, is by no means necessarily a reason why they ought to do so. Now collections of ethnographic evidence, bringing so prominently into view the agreement of immense multitudes of men as to certain traditions, beliefs, and usages, are peculiarly liable to be thus improperly used in direct defense of these institutions themselves, even old barbaric nations being polled to maintain their opinions against what are called modern ideas.

As it has more than once happened to myself to find my collections of traditions and beliefs thus set up to prove their own objective truth, without proper examination of the grounds on which they were actually received, I take this occasion of remarking that the same line of argument will serve equally well to demonstrate, by the strong and wide consent of nations, that the earth is flat, and night-mare the visit of a demon.

1.The author's attitude towards the phenomena mentioned at the beginning of the text is one of _____.

[A] skepticism [B] approval [C] indifference [D] disgust

2.By "But to...it is not so"(Line 7) the author implies that _____.

[A] most people are just followers of new ideas

[B] even sound minds may commit silly errors

[C] the popularly supported may be erroneous

[D] nobody is immune to the influence of errors

3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the statement "There are various... to do so" (Line 17-20)?

[A] Principles of history and philosophy are hard to deal with.

[B] People like to see what other people do for their own model.

[C] The educated are more susceptible to errors in their daily life.

[D] That everyone does the same may not prove they are all right.

4.Which of the following did the author probably suggest?

[A] Support not the most supported.

[B] Deny everything others believe.

[C] Throw all tradition into trashcan.

[D] Keep your eyes open all the time.

5.The author develops his writing mainly by means of _____.

[A] reasoning [B] examples [C] comparisons [D] quotations

Passage 3

Vinton Cerf, known as the father of the Internet, said on Wednesday that the Web was outgrowing the planet Earth and the time had come to take the information superhighway to outer space.

"The Internet is growing quickly, and we still have a lot of work to do to cover the planet." Cerf told the first day of the annual conference of Internet Society in Geneva where more than 1500 cyberspace fans have gathered to seek answers to questions about the tangled web of the Internet.

Cerf believed that it would soon be possible to send real-time science data on the Internet from a space mission orbiting another planet such as Mars. "There is now an effort under way to design and build an interplanetary Internet. The space research community is coming closer and closer and merging. We think that we will see interplanetary Internet networks that look very much like the ones we use today. We will need interplanetary gateways and there will be protocols to transmit data between these gateways, " Cerf said.

Francois Fluckiger, a scientist attending the conference from the European Particle Physics Laboratory near Geneva, was not entirely convinced, saying: "We need dreams like this. But I don't know any Martian whom I'd like to communicate with through the Internet."

Cerf has been working with NASA's Pasadena Jet Propulsion Laboratory-the people behind the recent Mars expedition-to design what he calls an "interplanetary Internet protocol." He believes that astronauts will want to use the Internet, although special problems remain with interference and delay.

"This is quite real. The effort is becoming extraordinarily concrete over the next few months because the next Mars mission is in planning stages now," Cerf told the conference.

"If we use domain names like Earth or Mars...jet propulsion laboratory people would be coming together with people from the Internet community." He added.

"The idea is to take the interplanetary Internet design and make it a part of the infrastructure of the Mars mission."

He later told a news conference that designing this system now would prepare mankind for future technological advances.

"The whole idea is to create an architecture so the design works anywhere. I don't know where we're going to have to put it but my guess is that we'll be going out there some time," Cerf said.

"If you think 100 years from now, it is entirely possible that what will be purely research 50 years from now will become commercial 100 years from now. The Internet was the same-it started as pure research but now it is commercialized."

1.According to Cerf, the purpose to design interplanetary internet is to _____.

[A] send real-time science data

[B] communicate with astronauts

[C] lay foundation for future technological advances

[D] commercialize the technology

2.From the text, we learn that Vinton Cerf is _____.

[A] seeking answers to questions about the Internet web

[B] working on interplanetary Internet with collaboration of NASA

[C] trying to commercialize the interplanetary Internet

[D] exploring the possibility of establishing Internet network on Mars

3.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _____.

[A] the dream to build interplanetary Internet can be fulfilled in the future

[B] interplanetary Internet will be commercialized in 100 years

[C] the research of Internet took 50 years

[D] it will take a long time to build interplanetary Internet

4.We know from the text that the Mars mission is _____.

[A] one of NASA's internet projects

[B] an expedition to Mars

[C] the infrastructure of the interplanetary Internet

[D] to create an architecture on Mars

5.Which of the following is the main point of the text?

[A] The development of the Internet.

[B] The possibility of space research.

[C] Universal information superhighway.

[D] The technological advances of the Mars mission.

Passage 4

Many of the world's big lakes are threatened by pollution or huge drainage schemes. But there is at least one fairly bright spot. The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence river system between Canada and the United States, which together account for a fifth of the world's non-polar fresh water, are much healthier than they were. Can they stay that way?

Though Lake Michigan is wholly the United States', all five lakes are governed by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, implemented by an independent bi-national joint commission. In 1978, both countries agreed to try to clean up the water in the lakes, several of which were heavily polluted. They have done so though in fact the improvement owes as much to economic change as to government action. Steel and other heavy industry have given way to cleaner industries and services, both in Ontario and in American lakeside states. The result: tests on fish and birds show residues of heavy metals have declined (though dangerous levels of mercury are still found), while in the past ten years the rivers near Toronto have been successfully stocked with salmon.

There are still worries. One problem is farming. This uses much lake water (9% of the total that is withdrawn from irrigation), while also polluting the lakes and river systems. The huge quantities of manure spread on farms in Ontario and Quebec also causes pollution, by running off the land into streams, rivers and then lakes.

Some scientists also worry that water levels will fall permanently. Climate change is likely to cut rainfall in the Great Lakes basin, while ever more water will be drawn from the lakes by a rising urban population. General consumption in the basin will increase by 5% in the next 5 years, according to a forecast by a consultant to the commission.

Other threats include some 120 exotic species of flora, fish and shellfish that have found their way into the lakes, some via ships' ballast. The zebra mussel from Eastern Europe is the most motorious and probably most damaging to the environment. It consumes a lot of oxygen ( though it also helps to clean the water). Lastly, there is the hazardous prospect of decommissioning Ontario's two dozen ageing nuclear reactors, which line the shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Huron.

Fortunately, the long history of successful co-operation between the two countries and among the local governments suggests these threats can be managed. Both governments have approved the commission's plan to set up international watershed boards across the continent. These are to take a 'holistic' approach to ecosystems. Maybe the Zebra mussel and the farm run-offs have met their match.

1.From the text, we know that the Great Lakes _____.

[A] are equally located between Canada and the U.S

[B] contain a small part of the world's fresh water

[C] are governed neither by Canada nor by the U.S

[D] have water not as fresh as before

2.In the first two paragraphs, the author suggests that _____.

[A] a commission was established to coordinate mutual activities of the governments

[B] the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 has become out-of-date

[C] the huge drainage schemes are to blame for land run-offs

[D] the economic change has contributed to environmental improvement

3.Which of the following shows that water quality has improved?

[A] Fish and birds show no residues of heavy metal.

[B] Toronto has grown salmon successfully in its waters.

[C] Farming has prospered in the lakeside areas.

[D] Lake water has been drawn for use by the population.

4.Which of the following causes concerns of the public and the scientists?

[A] Fish farming. [B] Urban population.

[C] Decreased rainfall. [D] More landslide.

5.What is the author's attitude to the prospect of the lakes' environment?

[A] Optimistic. [B] Worried. [C] Indifferent. [D] Unclear.

Part B


You are going to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in the academic community. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (41-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

[A] You may have to impress the company HR representatives as well. HR reps are typically trained to ask very specific and personal questions, like what salary you expect and what you've made in the past. They might ask you about your impressions of the company and the people who interviewed you. They might also ask if you have other offers. If so, chances are good that they are willing to compete for you. But if you say that you have other offers, be prepared to back it up with the who, what and when, because they might challenge you. The HR reps are also the people who will conduct or arrange reference and background checks. They might have the final say.

[B] Besides management, you might also interview with one or more of your future coworkers. Regardless of the questions they ask, what they most really want to know is how well you'll fit into the team, if you'll cause them more work instead of less, and if they should feel threatened by you. When answering, be eager enough to show that you are a good team player and will pull your load, but not so eager as to appear to be a back-stabbing ladder climber!

[C] Always research a company before you interview, and remember that attire, body language and manners count, big time. Try to avoid common mistakes. You may think that this is common sense, but crazy stuff really happens!

[D] Job interviewing is one of the most popular career topics on the Web. But no career advisor can tell you exactly what to say during a job interview. Interviews are just too up-close and personal for that. About the best that career advisors can do, is to give you some tips about the typical questions to expect, so you can practice answering them ahead of time. But, while there are many canned interview questions, there are few canned answers. The rest is up to you.

[E] Be prepared to attend a second interview at the same company, and maybe even a third or fourth. If you're called back for more interviews, it means that they're interested in you. But, it doesn't mean you're a shoo-in. Most likely, they are narrowing the competition, so keep up the good work!

[F] To put you somewhat at ease, many interviewers really don't know how to interview effectively. Frontline interviewers are typically managers and supervisors who have never been or are barely trained in interviewing techniques. They're a little nervous too, just like you. Some don't even prepare in advance. This makes it easier for you to take control of the interview, if you have prepared. But in controlling an interview, it's not a good idea to try to dominate. Instead, try to steer it toward landing the job.

[G] After interviewing, immediately send a thank you letter to each of your interviewers. It's professional and expected, and might even be the deciding factor in your favor.

[H] Remember, it's a two-way street. It's the employer's chance to judge you, but it's also very much your chance to judge the employer. In fact, if you handle yourself well and ask the right questions, you'll put the interviewer in the position of selling the company to you. If this happens, you're probably doing well.


41.( )→42. ( ) →43. ( ) →A→44. ( ) →45. ( ) →46. ( ) →G

Part C


Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

Relativity theory has had a profound influence on our picture of matter by forcing us to modify our concept of a particle in an essential way. (47)In classical physics, the mass of an object had always been associated with an indestructible material substance, with some "stuff" of which all things were thought to be made. Relativity theory showed that mass has nothing to do with any substance, but is a form energy. Energy, however, is a dynamic quantity associated with activity, or with processes.(48)The fact that the mass of a particle is equivalent to a certain of energy means that the particle can no longer be seen as a static object, but has to be conceived as a dynamic pattern, a process involving the energy which manifest itself as the particle's mass.

(49)This new view of particles was initiated by Dirac when he formulated a relativistic equation describing the behavior of electrons. Dirac's theory was not only extremely successful in accounting for the fine details of atomic structure, but also revealed a fundamental symmetry between matter and anti-matter. It predicted the existence of an anti-matter with the same mass as the electron but with an opposite charge. This positively charged particle, now called the positron, was indeed discovered two years after Dirac had predicted it. The symmetry between matter and anti-matter implies that for every particle there exists an antiparticles with equal mass and opposite charge. Pairs of particles and antiparticles can be created if enough energy is available and can be made to turn into pure energy in the reverse process of destruction.(50)These processes of particle creation and destruction had been predicted from Dirac's theory before they were actually discovered in nature, and since then they have been observed millions of times.

The creation of material particles from pure energy is certainly the most spectacular effect of relativity theory, and it can only be understood in terms of the view of particles outlined above.(51)Before relativistic particle physics, the constituents of matter had always been considered as being either elementary units which were indestructible and unchangeable, or as composite objects which could be broken up into their constituent parts; and the basic question was whether one could divide matter again and again, or whether one would finally arrive at some smallest indivisible units.


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A

11.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.A




1.[精解] 本題考查名詞詞義辨析空格處填入的名詞與growth搭配,由上下文語義可知,此處表達的含義是"鐵路業沒有令人振奮的發展前景",Prospect"景色,前景,期望"指的是possibility of advancement or success。所以[C]項正確。perspective做可數名詞時多指viewpoint(態度觀點),如You have the wrong perspective on this situation(對於那個情勢的未來發展,你的看法是錯的)。outlook用作"前景"講時用單數形式,如the outlook for economic growth(經濟發展的前景)。spectacle"景象,奇觀,場面,眼鏡",如A quarrel between drunken women is an unpleasant spectacle(喝醉酒的女人吵架是個醜惡的場面)。

2.[精解] 本題考查通過上下文選擇適當的副詞的能力。空格處的副詞修飾的動作是use real-estate assets in and around train stations(利用車站內部及周圍的房地產)。由上下文可知,該舉動是有創造性的,所以纔會引起人們的關注,因此[A]項creatively"創造性地"正確。originally"最初,原先 ,新穎地",如The apartment was decorated quite originally(這套公寓裝飾的十分別致);authentically"確實地,真正地,逼真地",其形容詞形式爲authentic,如 DiMaggio was an authentic folk hero(迪馬喬是一位真正的民間英雄);initially"最初,開頭",如His response was initially adamant(他的反應開始很強硬)。

3.[精解] 本題考查動詞詞義的辨析。由語法知識可知,空格前的it指代的是主語JR East(東日本鐵路),所填動詞表示的是該公司對"Station Renaissance"這一計劃發出的動作。[C]項embarked"着手,從事"是不及物動詞,常用於embark on/upon sth.,如 He has embarked on a new career(他開始了一種新的職業生涯),embark on a new plan意爲"着手一項新的計劃"。[A]項displayed指把物品展示給人們看, display a plan意爲"展示一張設計圖"; [B]項demonstrated"示範,證明"與plan搭配,指通過具體演示來說明計劃的可行性,均不符合文意。[D]項unveiled"揭露,公佈"正確,原文意爲:東日本鐵路有限公司在11月份公佈的"車站復興"計劃中說……。

4.[精解] 本題考查動詞短語的辨析。空格處填入的動詞短語與using its commercial spaces for shops and restaurants搭配,應符合文意。首先[B]、[C]兩項的用法分別爲set out to do sth."打算、試圖做某事",如He failed in what he had set out to do(他沒有做到自己原來想做的事);come around to sth."平息,甦醒,改變觀點、立場",如It will take him a while to come around to the idea(他需要時間來接受這個觀點),可排除。[D]項指時間上的擴展,如The economic unrest spread over several years(經濟的動盪不安延續了數年之久),不符合文意。[A]項go beyond"不止,超出"與狀語extending them to呼應,意爲"不僅把它的商業空地用於開商店和餐館,而且還……"。

5.[精解] 本題考查名詞詞義的辨析。空格處填入的名詞充當extending them to結構中的介詞賓語,其中extend...to...意爲"擴展……用於……",them指上文中的its commercial spaces(東日本鐵路的商業空地)。因此,所填的名詞應與前文一致,表達這些空地的用處或功能,應與use的名詞形式usage屬同一範疇。 [A]、[C]項都有"使用"的意思,但application常與"科技成果、理論、法規"等搭配,強調它們的實際應用,一般不與spaces搭配,如 The new invention would have a wide range of applications in industry(這項新發明會在工業上獲得廣泛應用),[C]項functions"功能,作用"正確,即"還要把這些商業空地用於更加適應信息時代的功能上"。enterprise"企業,事業,計劃";performance"履行,執行,性能"。

6.[精解] 本題考查名詞詞義的辨析。空格處填入的名詞作pick-up(物品收取)修飾的中心名詞,說明東日本鐵路公司想把車站作爲物品收取的什麼。district指有一定特色的區域、地區,如rural/mountainous/financial/theatre district;或行政區域,如election/school/postal district。vicinity"臨近地區,附近",常用單數,如the inhabitants of the vicinity(附近地區的居民)。resort"旅遊、度假勝地",如seaside/beach/ski resort。Location泛指某個地點,與文中pick-up搭配,意爲:物品收取地,符合文意。

7.[精解] 本題考查動詞詞義的辨析。空格處填入的過去分詞與over the Internet搭配,作定語修飾such goods as books, flowers and groceries。由其中心語goods可知文章所講的是網上購物,所以[B]項purchase"買,購買"正確,即"東日本鐵路打算把車站作爲網上所購物品的收取地"。[A]項acquire"獲得",雖然也可以表示"購得",如The company has just acquired new premises(公司剛購得新辦公樓),但它強調"得到"的結果,但該處顧客應該還沒有得到貨物,所以不正確。 [C]preside常與over搭配,意爲"主持,主管",接的賓語爲"會議、活動、事件、機構"等,如preside over the meeting/the business.主持會議/主管業務。[D]項attain"達到,(經過努力)獲得"也是強調"得到",不正確。

8.[精解] 本題考查名詞的辨析。由上下文可知,該處應泛指城市人,所以[C]項city dwellers"城市居民"符合文意。 [A]項logers"寄宿者",[B]項tenants"承租人,房客 ",[D]項boarders"寄膳宿者,寄宿生",都具體到以某種特殊方式居住的人,不合文意。

9.[精解] 本題考查介詞的用法。depend on sb/sth for sth是習慣搭配,意爲:依靠……來做……,符合文意,原文意爲:都市人嚴重依賴列車作爲上下班的交通工具。depend on sth as sth意爲:依靠……作爲……,但as後通常接名詞,如 We depended on E-mail as the only way of communication when she was abroad(她出國時我們依靠郵件作爲惟一的通訊方式)。in"在……期間,從事於",of"……的(表所屬)"。

10.[精解] 本題考查動詞詞義的辨析。空格處填入的動詞作謂語,表明鐵路公司對about 16 million people a day go to its train stations anyway(無論如何,每天大約一千六百萬人來到它的車站)發出的動作。參考選項,該句所述內容應是該公司"計算或估計"的,[A]項figures正確。[B]項exhibits意爲"展示(物品)",與上下文文意不符。[C]項convinces"使確信,使信服",後面接人,如We convinced Anne(我們說服了安妮),如果要接事,應改爲is convinced。[D]項speculates指"沒有確切證據的推測、估計",在這裡不符合文意;

11.[精解] 本題考查動詞詞義的辨析。空格處填入的動詞與consumers extra travel and missed home deliveries搭配。所填動詞首先要能接雙賓語,即使用sb. sth.的結構,其次搭配後的含義要符合文意。[A]項"剝奪,使喪失"的搭配爲deprive sb. of sth.,如deprived him of sleep(使他不能入睡);[B]項"重新得到,找回,挽回"的搭配是retrieve sth. from sb.如retrieve my bag from him(從他那找回我的包);[D]項"免除,豁免"的搭配爲exempt sb from sth.,如exempt him from military service(免服兵役)。只有[C]項的搭配爲spare sb. (from)sth.,意爲"使某人免於做某事",如spare his mother any anxiety(不讓母親有絲毫的擔憂),原文意爲:在車站收取物品使消費者節省了路途而且也不像往家裡遞送那樣容易丟失。

12.[精解] 本題考查習慣搭配。[A]項conjunction不與store搭配,它常指"(引起某種結果的事物等的)結合",如The conjunction of low inflation and low employment came as a very pleasant surprise(低通貨膨脹和低失業率的同時出現是一個大驚喜)。考生不要望文生義, "連鎖店"是chain store。convenience store指"便利店",department store "百貨店",ornament store指"飾品店",根據常識,車站裡面比較普遍的是各式各樣的便利店,所以[B]項符合文意。

13.[精解] 本題考查形近詞的辨析。本題表面上是填入合適的過去分詞做定語,實際上是辨析四個核心動詞的用法。[A]項delegate搭配事物時意爲"授權,委任,委託",如delegate a task /power(委託任務/授權),因此它不與spaces搭配。[B]項designated spaces意爲"指定的場地",但與上文的create搭配後語義重複。[C]項devoted"投入的,深愛的",表感情色彩,顯然不符文意。[D]項dedicated與spaces搭配表示"專用的空間/場地"。

14.[精解] 本題考查形容詞的辨析及固定用法。[B]項smart card 是固定搭配,意爲:(內有集成電路可儲存記憶的)智能卡。四個選項都可含有"聰明的"含義,但當修飾事物時,[A]項"機敏的,巧妙的",強調"用智慧或小聰明達到目的",如a clever reply(機敏的回答),play a clever trick(耍一個巧妙的花招);[C]項指"(機器等)製作精巧的" 或"(方法等)巧妙的",如an ingenious toy(製作精巧的玩具),an ingenious idea/lie(巧妙的主意/謊言);[D]項Intelligent指"(計算機部件工作性能)智能的",如an intelligent terminal (智能終端,即具有處理信息能力的終端)。

15.[精解] 本題考查動詞詞義的辨析。題目要求填入一個動名詞與information搭配,說明集成電路在IC 卡中的作用。IC卡,即智能卡,內部的集成電路是儲存信息的,所以[C]項holding"容納,儲存,準備着"正確。check information"覈對信息", gather information"收集信息",accommodate information"整理信息",都不符合文意。

16.[精解] 本題考查介詞的用法。解題難點在於理清空格所在句子的結構,該句子的主幹爲the company plans to introduce cards... __16__ train tickets and commuter passes,所填介詞與introduce搭配,[A]項as表方式,符合文意,introduce sth as sth(引入……作爲……),原文意爲"引入智能卡作爲車票和定期券"。for表目的、用途,Introduce sth for sth意爲"爲……而引入、提出……",如introduce a topic for discussion(提出議題供討論);with表伴隨 ,introduce sth with sth意爲"把……作爲……的開頭,用……引出……",如introduce a talk with an anecdote(說一則軼聞作爲講話的引子),均不符合文意。of表所屬,不直接跟introduce搭配。

17.[精解] 本題考查句內邏輯關係。空格處填入的介詞短語連接smart cards as train tickets and commuter passes(作爲車票和定期券的智能卡)和the magnetic ones used today(現在使用的磁卡)。由於兩者是同一性質的物質,因此排除表假設邏輯關係的[A]項but for"要不是"。此外,根據下文可知用智能卡比現在使用的磁卡系統成本要低,因此引用智能卡的目的是使它取代磁卡作車票和定期券,因此[C]instead of項"代替,而不是……"正確。[B]as well as項"也,又,和"表並列,[D]more than項"比……多"表比較。

18.[精解] 本題考查形容詞的詞義辨析。填入的形容詞修飾pass。原文意爲:把多種形式的票和券合爲一張智能卡,[B]項"單一的,專一的",有把不同的東西統一標準或合爲一體的意思,如a single scale of wages(單一工資等級),是正確選項。[A]項"獨一無二的,獨特的",強調獨特性,意爲being the only one of its kind,如the unique human ability(人類獨有的能力);[C]項"整體的,統一的,不可分的",強調完整性,指relating to or existing as a single unit,如 a unitary policy of government(政府的統一政策);[D]項"惟一的,單獨的",強調某種情況下的惟一性,指there is one person, thing, or group in a particular situation and no others,如I was the only one who disagreed(我是惟一一個持不同意見的人)。

19.[精解] 本題考查名詞詞義的辨析。空格填入的名詞與for IC cards 搭配,與magnetic systems(磁系統)作比較。首先排除[D]項examiners"主考者,檢查人",因爲人和系統之間無法比較價格高低。[A]項"裝置,設備"、[B]項"工具,手段"的用法爲device/instrument for doing sth,如a device for opening bottles(一個打開瓶子的裝置);an instrument for writing(書寫工具)。所以[C]項readers正確,意爲:IC卡或智能卡的讀卡機。

20.[精解] 本題考查動詞詞義的辨析。填入的動詞,表達Increased use of IC cards(對IC卡使用的增加)對 the space needed for ticket vending (售票需要的空間)的影響。根據上文可知道,IC卡的使用替代了傳統的車票和定期券,因此空格所在句子的含義是:IC卡使用的增加減少了售票所佔的空間。關鍵看四個選項哪個與space搭配,符合文意。[A]項reduce"減少,縮小",用法較爲廣泛,除表示數量、大小、價格等的減少外,還可以接表抽象含義的詞,如reduce the risk of detection(減少被發現的危險),原文意爲:對IC卡使用的增加將會減少售票佔用的空間。[B]項narrow"使變狹窄,使縮小"與space搭配,指"使空間變得狹小",有"擁擠"的含義;[C]項dwarf指"(通過與大的事物比較)使顯得小",而實際大小沒有改變,如Most professional basketball players dwarf other men(大多數職業籃球運動員使別人顯得矮小);[D]項shrink意爲"使事物本身縮小或萎縮",如shrink the markets for the exports(使出口市場萎縮),均不符合文意。






1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D












[A] 人們所受到的醫療護理的質量

[B] 人們對疾病的知識

[C] 人們給醫生留下好印象的機會

[D] 人們和家庭之間的關係

[精解] 本題考查考生對事實細節的把握,文章一開始作者就提到社會階層能說明病人的很多東西,包括所受到的急救護理、對疾病的理解、從家庭得到的支持等等。因此,[A]、[B]和[D]項內容都是被決定的方面。該段提到,社會階層影響病人和醫生的關係。但沒有確切指出給醫生留下好或壞印象,因此不能得出[C]項結論


[A] 生活在底層的人更容易得慢性病

[B] 健康狀況會隨着個人社會階層的下降而穩定下降

[C] 受教育較少的人不能利用醫療進步

[D] 慢性病常常與人們不健康的生活方式聯繫在一起



[A] 美國的健康不平等似乎正在改善

[B] 一個人的教育水平與賺錢能力間有很大的關聯

[C] 控制程度和社會支持度高的工作對健康的威脅相對小些

[D] 受歧視的人羣的不健康狀況最爲嚴重

[精解] 本題考查考生推理引申的能力。全文都在論述貧富和健康的關係,通過分析影響健康的因素,包括貧富、社會階層、受教育等,說明在美國仍然存在着健康不平等狀況,而且這一狀況正在加深,並沒有隨着醫學的進步而改變。[A]項與原文相悖。該文主要論述的是教育以及人們的賺錢能力二者與健康的關係,對於教育與賺錢能力之間的聯繫並沒有說明。[B]項錯誤。在文章的第五段,作者提出一些研究認爲,自主權和自我控制程度較小的職業更爲有害健康,也就從反面說明了控制程度和社會支持度高的工作對健康的威脅相對小些,[C]項爲正確答案。在第六段中,作者提到了影響身體健康的其他社會因素,在最後一句以問句的形式提出歧視對健康的影響有多大,但是該段對其影響沒有做出具體闡述,更沒有將它與其他因素進行比較,因此無法推出[D]項結論。


[A] 在道德水平上也有所顯示

[B] 與革新同步擴大

[C] 在美國尚不明顯

[D] 隨着醫學的進步在縮小

[精解] 本題考查考生的推理引申能力。文章的第二段以"上述種種差距正在日益加大(the gaps are widening)"結尾,全文也主要圍繞貧窮者和富裕者在健康以及影響健康的各種因素方面的差距展開論述,由此得知,[C]項和[D]項錯誤。第七段中,作者提到道德水準問題時指出,貧窮人口的道德水平在下降,但是遠遠沒有富裕人口的水平下降得快,因此差距已經加大了。可見,[A]項也是差距的一種表現。最後一段中作者提到"革新的傳播",是爲了形象地說明富裕的人能很快地利用醫療的進步,並沒有提到革新與貧富差距之間速度上的相似之處,因此得不出[B]項結論。


[A] 美國醫學界取得的進步

[B] 美國人對健康的關注

[C] 影響人們健康的因素

[D] 不同階層中不斷擴大的健康差距

[精解] 本題考查文章主旨大意。本文圍繞社會階層是影響人們健康的重要因素這個中心,從教育水平、生活方式、工作狀況、社會關係等各個方面詳細論述了不同階層的人在健康狀況上的差異,並指出這種差距在擴大。因此[D]項爲是全文主要論述的內容。[A]、[B]項是文中的細節。[C]項是文中論述的內容,但對它的論述最終是爲了說明[D]項。
















哈佛公共健康學院的社會傳染病學教授Ichiro Kawachi說:"在過去的20年中,對心臟病患者的挽救和預防心臟病的知識方面都取得了很大的進步。它像革新的傳播。每當新事物產生的時候,富裕的人會更迅速地採用它。在低階層的一面,各種各樣的劣勢都堆積到窮人身上。飲食更糟糕,工作壓力更大。如果他們貧窮的話,會有更少的時間用於保持健康,因爲他們同時做兩份工作。貧窮人口的道德水平在下降,但是遠遠沒有富裕人口的水平下降得快。因此差距擴大了。"


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A









[A] 懷疑 [B] 贊同 [C] 漠不關心 [D] 厭惡

[精解] 本題考查作者態度。可先將[C]項排除,因爲既然作者用大量筆墨和精力來描寫說明此現象,就證明了作者對於這一現象持的基本態度是關注而不是漠不關心。文章開頭部分的ever-reiterated proofs,definite等詞可能會誤導考生選擇[B]項,應注意在這些表示肯定的詞語後面有一個關鍵的轉折連詞but,一般情況下,如果首段出現轉折性連詞,那麼轉折連詞後面的內容纔是作者強調的部分。作者轉折指出:在充分強調和這些社會標準條件相關的(bearing on)證據時,我們必須小心謹慎,避免陷入常常誤導粗心大意的學生的陷井(entrap the unwary student)。接下來出現了以of course爲標誌的讓步表達:誠然,屬於大多數人所共有的觀念和習慣在很大程度上是合理的判斷和實踐智慧的結果。但該段末句再次出現but轉折指出:但是在很大程度上,情況並非如此。依據該段中的邏輯標誌詞,可判斷出作者對此現象並不持完全贊同的觀點,排除[B]項。[D]項是具有明顯的情感色彩的詞語,而文中作者表達觀點的方式非常隱晦,力求客觀。[A]項爲正確答案。


[A] 絕大多數的人都只是一些新觀點的追隨者

[B] 即使是明智的頭腦也會犯愚蠢的錯誤

[C] 得到廣泛支持的也可能是錯誤的

[D] 沒有人能免受錯誤影響

[精解] 本題考查考生的推理引申能力。回答本題的關鍵在於理解把握but 和so兩個關鍵詞的意思和所指。其中,but是轉折連詞,因此這句話的內容應該與前面所述內容意思相反。So意爲"這樣",常指代上文所述內容或觀點。所以考生應該重點閱讀理解它前面那句話,即:誠然,屬於人類共有的觀念和習慣在很大程度上是合理的判斷和和實踐智慧的結果。那麼最後一句話的含義是:在很大程度上,這些人類共有的觀念和習慣並不一定是合理的判斷和實踐智慧的結果,[C]項是其概括含義,因此爲正確答案。[A]項與文章內容無關;[B]項和[D]項是對文意的曲解。


[A] 諸如歷史和哲學上的原則很難處理

[B] 人們喜歡看其他人爲他們自己的模範都做了些什麼

[C] 受過教育的人在日常生活中更容易受錯誤影響

[D] 每個人都做同一件事並不證明大家都是對的

[精解] 本題考查句意的理解。這是第三段的第一句話,其結構頗爲複雜,主幹成分是There are various topics。especially in history, law, philosophy做狀語,意爲"尤其是在歷史、法律、哲學方面"。Where even the educated people...to do so部分做定語修飾various topics。這個定語從句也是一個複合句,主幹成分是even the educated people can hardly be brought to see,句中的 we live among部分做定語修飾the educated people。See後是that引導的賓語從句,其主幹結構是the cause why... is by no means necessarily a reason why...,意爲"...的原因決不一定非是...的理由"。其中又包含了兩個由why引導的定語從句,分別修飾the cause和the reason。整個句子的大意是:對於很多話題,尤其是涉及到歷史,法律和哲學方面的話題,即使是我們中間受過教育的人也很難認識到人們持有某種觀念或形成某種習俗的緣由決不一定是他們這樣做的理由。換言之,很多人持有的觀念或形成的習俗不是必然的。再看該句的上文,即第二段末句提到,有一種謬論深深植根於人類的頭腦中,認爲大家都說的話肯定是真的,大家都做的事肯定是對的。可見,三段首句是延續二段末句的話題展開論述,其中hold an opinion和practise a custom對應上文中的what everybody says和what everybody does。既然是謬論,當然是不合理的。因此三段首句仍在說明:大家共有的或已有的觀點和做法不一定合理。[D]項爲正確答案。



[A] 支持最不受支持的

[B] 否定他人相信的任何事情

[C] 將所有的傳統扔進垃圾桶

[D] 時刻保持注意

[精解] 本題考查作者的觀點。第一段作者提到,大多數人所共有的觀念和習慣不一定是合理的判斷和實踐智慧的結果;第二至三段又提出,認爲"大家都說的話肯定是真的,大家都做的事肯定是對的"是一種謬論。文章的最後提到,如果按照上述的推理方式,即大家廣泛同意的觀點就是對的,那麼我們也可以證明地球是扁的,噩夢是惡魔的來訪。由此可以看出,作者是在批駁人們思維方式上走入的誤區,建議人們用一種更批判更睿智的態度看待那些已經習以爲常的觀點和做法。而並不建議我們徹底放棄傳統、在沒有確鑿的證據的情況下支持或否定事物和觀點。[A]、[B]和[C]項屬於較偏狹的觀點,不入選。


[A] 講道理 [B] 舉例子 [C] 作比較 [D] 引證

[精解] 本題考查文章的寫作方法。在文章的開始部分作者承認觀點的部分合理性,轉而批駁其錯誤性,最後得出其錯誤結論,貫穿全文的寫作方法是講道理。





(4)bear on (= bear upon) 涉及;關於


(6)entrap(v.)使入陷阱;誘騙~ sb. into doing sth. 誘使某人做某事













1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C










[A] 發送實時科學數據

[B] 與宇航員通訊

[C] 爲未來的技術進步奠定基礎

[D] 使該技術商業化

[精解] 本題考查事實細節。[C]項是對倒數第三段的改寫,lay foundation for與prepare mankind for同義。[A]項在文章第三段首句提到,[B]項在第五段提到,但都是設計和建立星際因特網可能帶來的好處,不是設計目的。[D]項在文章最後一段提到,是在說明建立星際因特網的可能性,不是設計目的。


[A] 正在尋求有關因特網問題的答案

[B] 正與(美)國家宇航局合作致力於星際因特網的研究

[C] 正試圖使星際因特網商業化

[D] 正探索在火星上建立因特網的可能性

[精解] 本題考查事實細節。第五段首句提到,塞爾夫正一直與(美)國家宇航局帕薩提那的噴氣推進實驗室合作,設計他所說的"星際因特網協議",與[B]項同義。[A]項是塞爾夫在日內瓦參加的一個年會的主題,並不是塞爾夫正在從事的工作。星際因特網商業化只在文章最後一段作爲可能性提到,星際因特網還沒有研究出來,更不用說商業化了,所以[C]項錯誤。全文主要論述的是星際因特網的問題,並沒有指出要在火星上建立因特網。[D]項錯誤。


[A] 建立星際因特網的夢想在未來可能實現

[B] 100年後星際因特網將商業化

[C] 因特網的研究用了50年的時間

[D] 建立星際因特網將需要很長時間

[精解] 本題考查考生的推理引申能力。文章最後一段所做的假設(在今後50年內僅僅是研究項目的東西,在100年後完全有可能商業化)以及與因特網發展歷程的比較,都是塞爾夫爲了說明建立星際因特網在未來是有可能實現的,所以[A]項正確。文中提到100年只是一種假設,[B]項將其確定爲商業化實現的時間,不正確。同樣,[C]項將假設中的50年確定爲因特網的研究年限,也不正確。該段中塞爾夫的一番話表達了他對星際因特網的建立懷有比較樂觀的態度,而不是說明它需要花很長時間才能實現,[D]項不正確。

4.從文中我們知道,Mars mission是。

[A] (美)國家宇航局的一個因特網計劃

[B] 火星探險

[C] 星際因特網的基礎設施

[D] 在火星上創建一個架構

[精解] 本題考查詞義的理解。文章五、六段中Mars mission和Mars expedition交替使用,可見是同義,而且第三段首句在具體解釋space mission的含義時以火星爲例指出它是space mission orbiting another planet such as Mars。[A]、[C]、[D]三項都指的是塞爾夫跟(美)國家宇航局的合作項目。Architecture意爲"架構,體系(the structure of a computer system and the way it works)"。


[A] 因特網的發展

[B] 太空研究的可能性

[C] 宇宙信息超級高速公路

[D] 火星探險的技術進步

[精解] 本題考查文章主旨。本文主要介紹了星際因特網的創建,[C]項是對文章首句中take the information superhighway to outer space的改寫,是全文論述的中心內容。[A]項在文章最後一段出現,是爲了更好地說明星際因特網的發展。文章沒有提到太空研究的可能性問題,[B]項錯誤。文章第九段提到,星際因特網是爲未來火星探險技術進步奠定基礎,這也是在說明星際因特網的重要作用,而不是純粹論述火星探險的技術進步,所以