Sea集團前往拜會何美玥國策顧問 鼓勵有助臺灣發展的投資案

總裁Nick Nash表示,他看到了臺灣的另一個潛力產業,就是電子商務。圖/本報資料照片

Sea集團總裁Nick Nash昨(23)日下午拜訪總統府國策顧問何美玥與經濟部次長龔明鑫雙方就臺灣網路產業的未來發展進行意見交流。Sea集團旗下包含遊戲、電子商務與電子支付等業務,旗下Garena在東南亞及臺灣營運英雄聯盟、傳說對決等多款知名遊戲,而蝦皮購物則爲東南亞目前最大電商平臺





This afternoon (Oct. 23rd), Nick Nash, the President of Sea Group, met with Mei-Yuei Ho, Senior Advisor of President Tsai’s office, and Ming-Hsin Kung, Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs. The two parties had in-depth discussions on plans to further the Internet industry in Taiwan. Sea is the largest Internet company in Greater Southeast Asia with leadership presence in gaming, e-commerce and online payment. Their best-known games includes League of Legends (LoL) and Arena of Valor (AoV). Moreover, their e-commerce business, Shopee, has risen to the top platforms in Southeast Asia.

Ho stated that Taiwanese government recognizes gaming and e-commerce are both booming in Taiwan and will continue to support the development in these industries. Taiwan welcomes any types of foreign investments as long as they stay within the courses of regulations and related laws.

President Nick Nash also confirms long-term investment in Taiwan due to its thriving Internet industry. “The SMEs in Taiwan have proven track records in entrepreneurship. We also have many outstanding young e-sports players, not to mention the abundance of seasoned talents. We hired more than 500 talents in Taiwan. We are excited about committing ourselves in the market for the long run.”

Sea’s operation covers seven countries in Southeast Asia and Taiwan and is currently the largest Internet technology company in the region. Last Friday, Sea announced its initial public offering in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which made them the very first Internet company from Southeast Asia to be listed in the NYSE.