乳房脹痛!兒吸不到奶… Janet崩潰痛哭:我是最糟的媽咪













Swollen Bazookas關於胸前兩顆腫脹的火箭筒

最近我開工了,於是得習慣一些事:1. 適應回到工作的世界。2. 必須穿內衣褲、必須洗澡。3. 讓George百分百照顧Egan,希望他不會偷偷在家教他玩電動。漲奶。Recently, I started to go back to work and with that has come a few things: 1. Adjusting to the working world again 2. Having to wear underwear and take showers again 3. Leaving Egan with George Young when he’s around, and trusting that he won’t teach Egan how to play video games4. Swollen boobies

啊啊啊啊漲奶⋯⋯真的好好玩喔⋯⋯纔怪!其實產後真的蠻容易有漲奶的問題(更嚴重的情況就會變成石頭奶造成乳腺炎)。即便漲奶狀況隨時都可能會發生,但一開始餵奶尤其最頻繁,但也常發生在當妳生活開始有一些改變的時候。譬如:1. 當你乳房開始製造母乳時 (通常發生在產後的前幾周)。2. 離開月子中心之後,環境改變,回到家開始獨當一面面對現實時。3. 當開始恢復工作回到職場時,已經習慣過去幾個月的生活常規從此又大亂。4. 壓力太大或是睡眠不足時 (等等,哪些新手爸媽能睡得飽?)。5. 你的寶寶開始睡過夜(還在等待/期待這個會發生在我們家的Egan)Ahhh. Swollen boobies...So much fun.. NOT! It’s really easy to get engorged breasts (or in worst case scenarios, mastitis). Although it can happen any time, especially when you first start breastfeeding, it also commonly occurs when your life goes through some changes. For example:1. When you first start to get milk production (sometime in the first few weeks after delivery) 2. After you leave the postpartum center, go home and are on your own for the first time. Eek! 3. When you head back to work again and the routine you thought you had down is once again disrupted.4. You’re stressed out or not sleeping enough (Wait. What parent sleeps enough?)5. Your baby starts to sleep through the night (still waiting for that one to happen…)

最近,我開始需要好好面對那對疼痛的乳房,以下故事就不是那麼浪漫了。有次我結束一整天在外工作,但錯算時間超過6小時沒有集乳,那天晚上我的左側乳房就非常的硬 (那感覺真的就是像顆石頭堵在奶奶裡),我再怎麼用手或是集乳器去擠都沒辦法緩解那個疼痛。I recently had to deal with my own pair of painful breasts - it was not pretty. I had spent the day outside at work, and I made the mistake of not pumping for over 6 hours. By that evening, my left boob was extremely hard (it literally felt like somehow a rock got lodged in my boob) and I couldn’t hand express or pump anything out to relieve the pressure.

通常最好的排除脹痛的方式就是讓寶寶直接親喂,所以我(讓Egan)使盡吃奶的力氣去消掉我漲到不行的乳房。但是沒有用。最後Egan也因爲又餓又因爲乳腺塞住吸不到奶所以開始大哭,然後我那瞬間我真的覺得自己是最,糟,的,媽,咪於是也跟着開始大哭。Usually, the best way to relieve engorgement is to have your baby breastfeed, so I was trying my hardest (pun intended) to get Egan to feed off of the swollen boob. It wasn’t working. In the end, he was crying because he was hungry and wasn’t getting any milk, and I was crying because he was crying and I felt like the Worst. Mom. Ever.

雖然產後的媽咪胸部都會變的很雄偉,看起來挺棒,但我很確定漲奶和石頭奶絕對是我們最不希望遇到的!所以我自己也做了些功課,下面是一些我覺得很有用的小小心得:Mommies, as GREAT as we look with massive boobies, mastitis or painfully engorged breasts is something I’m sure we’d all like to avoid if at all possible. So, here are some suggestions that I found useful:

總的來說:1. 持續經常的親喂,從那個最漲、影響最大的乳房開始。提醒:一開始真的很不舒服。2. 確保寶寶的嘴巴有好好的接上。3. 常常替換親喂的姿勢。4. 能讓妳得到休息越舒服的姿勢越好 (我很喜歡倚在牀上可以親喂身旁的Egan, 對我們來說那是最親密舒服的兩人時光)。5. 多喝水。時時補充水分!6. 補充一些卵磷脂,可以幫助母乳更容易分泌流出。7. 穿能支撐的哺乳內衣但同時也不會去擠壓到妳的乳房。8. 儘可能避免趴睡。那其實也是我們懷孕後就不太可能做到的睡姿,因爲趴睡也會去擠壓到乳房。In general:1. Continue to breastfeed often, starting with the breast which is affected (the most swollen). WARNING: It may not feel so good at first2. Make sure baby is latching properly3. Change feeding positions often4. Rest as much as possible (I quite enjoy lying in bed and feeding Egan next to me. It’s a really nice bonding time for us)5. Drink lots of water and liquids. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate!6. Take some lecithin which helps to “thin” the milk to make it easier to come out7. Wear a supportive bra which doesn’t compress your breasts too much8. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach - as much as we miss being able to do that when I was pregnant, sleeping that way may also compress your breasts

哺乳前:1. 在每一次親喂前都先冰敷,以減緩漲痛 (可以試着用冰敷袋,但不要直接與皮膚接觸,我甚至聽說有人用高麗菜葉也可以)。昨天晚上,我沒在開玩笑,George因爲剛好手很冰冷所以我讓他的手直接敷在我的左邊胸部,好喔剛好滿足我們雙方的需求。:)2. 可以試着熱敷乳房或是衝個熱水澡,但是隻有在準備要親喂或是集乳前熱敷,好讓乳腺通暢乳汁順利流出。3. 可以輕輕的按摩你的乳房。從胸壁或是腋下開始,順着乳頭的方向按摩。(這也是你的另一半會主動開始加入的步驟)Before nursing:1. Use a cold compress in between feedings to reduce the swelling (you can use an ice pack - but never directly on the skin...some people even use cabbage leaves!) Last night, I kid you not, George had really cold hands so I made him hold my left boob, satisfying both of our needs. :)2. Use a warm compress on your breasts or take a warm shower ONLY just as you are about to breastfeed or pump (to help with the letdown or milk flow)3. Massage gently starting from the chest wall or armpits, towards to nipples (again, this is where your partner comes in.)

哺乳時:1. 在親喂的同時,可以輕輕的推或是按摩還有些許硬處的乳房2. 確保你的寶寶有真的吸到奶。如果沒有的話試着讓寶寶的嘴移開,再接上一次。3. 邊喝水,邊聽音樂,再一邊看着布萊德彼特的照片⋯⋯。呃反正就是儘量讓自己放鬆。While nursing:1. Gently push down or massage the area of the breast which is hard as your baby is feeding.2. Make sure your baby is latching properly. If not, try detaching and relatching again.3. Drink water, listen to music, look at a photo of Brad Pitt... Do whatever you need to do to relax.

當然,如果你開始覺得有像發燒的感覺或是乳房非常的疼痛、又熱又紅等,別等了,快去看醫生吧!And, if you are ever feeling feverish or your breasts are very painful, red and hot, don’t wait - go see your doctor!

現在不好意思喔,我要去冰敷我的大奶,順便邊哭邊吃個冰淇淋吧⋯⋯Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go ice my boobies and cry into and eat my ice cream.