強烈氣旋「瘋襲」印度 至少33死逾90人失蹤

Gateway of India #Tauktae pic.twitter.com/Y3pqZzSY7H



當地風勢極大,海水不斷倒灌鋪上路面 。(圖/翻攝自推特「@ycsanolvr」)

Latest satellite view of Cyclone #Tauktae as it continues to push into #Gujarat, India with strong winds, heavy rainfall and flooding across the region pic.twitter.com/bQzeAYb20p

印度氣象局表示,陶特昨天以陣風時速達185公里的「極強氣旋風暴」(Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm)等級登陸古茶拉底省(Gujarat),到了今天上午已減弱爲「特強氣旋風暴」(Very Severe Cyclonic Storm)。

印度總理莫迪(Narendra Modi)明天將視察古茶拉底省遭陶特襲擊的地區,古茶拉底省也是他的家鄉


Into The Storm...Amazing Timelapse Video of aircraft landing into #Mumbai today amidst gusty winds and rains as Cyclone Tauktae was about to hit the West Coast of India.#CycloneTauktae has battered the operations of BOM Airport today, all air traffic movement closed. pic.twitter.com/14DUqMvIic