


1. crack a smile 展顏微笑;莞爾一笑

The king was willing to do anything to make the queen crack a smile.


2. laugh a hearty laugh/laugh heartily 放聲大笑;開懷大笑

Upon hearing that he had won the lottery, the man laughed heartily.


3. force a smile 強作歡顏

First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, force yourself to whistle or hum a tune or sing. Act as if you were already happy, and that will tend to make you happy.


4. a saccharine smile 諂笑;諂媚的笑

When he talks to his boss, he puts on a saccharine smile.


5. smile bitterly 苦笑

The student smiled bitterly when his teacher caught him copying his homework.



1. Walk, Stride, Stroll, Plod

Walk (v.)-走。一般用語。是中性詞。指以正常速度走路

Stride (v.)-走。指大步行走,並且步伐均勻。

Stroll (v.)-走。指爲了消遣而慢慢地步行。

Plod (v.)-走。指緩慢而吃力地走。

●Let us walk in the park for a while. 讓我們在公園散步一會兒。

●We got off the bus and walked the last few blocks. 我們下了公共汽車,走過最後幾個街區

●She turned and strode off. 她轉身大步走開了。

●The soldiers are striding with a dignified gait. 士兵們正昂然闊步而行。

●They are strolling players. 他們是流浪藝人

●The poor old man plods along, hardly able to lift each foot. 這可憐的老人吃力地走着,幾乎都擡不動腳了。

●The old horse plodded up the road. 老馬路上緩步而行。

2. Kind, Sort, Species, Type, Category

Kind (n.)-種類指同種類的東西

Sort (n.)-種類。指大體相似的東西,有時用於貶義判斷。

Species (n.)-種類。指相同種類的生物

Type (n.)-種類。指不太明確類別的劃分,有主觀判斷之意。

Category (n.)-種類。正式用語。指對材料圖書等進行分析而劃分的種類。

●This is the best kind of pen. 這是最好的一種鋼筆

●I can feel at home in this kind of room. 在這樣的房間裡我感到像在家裡一樣。

●What sort of food do you like best? 你最喜歡吃什麼食物?

●I will make no attempt of the sort. 我不願做這種事。

●This is an extinct species of fish. 這是一種已經絕種的魚。

●The horticulturist developed a new type of rose. 園藝師培育玫瑰的一個新品種

●Place these books in categories, please. 請把這些書分門別類地進行整理

3. Kill, Assassinate, Execute, Dispatch, Murder, Slay, Slaughter

Kill (v.)-殺,殺死。一般用語。指任何一種致死行爲。

Assassinate (v.)-暗殺。指出於政治目的進行的暗殺行爲。

Execute (v.)-處決。指依據法律,判處死刑。

Dispatch (v.)-殺死。指採用直接方法,如刺、射擊手段殺死,強調迅速。

Murder (v.)-謀殺,兇殺。指非法地、有目的的殺害他人。

Slay (v.)-殺死,殺害。指殘酷地打死或用武器殺死,現多用過去分詞slain。

Slaughter (v.)-屠殺。尤指爲肉食而屠殺;還指錯殺或殘酷地殺死很多人。

●Two people were killed in a car accident. 在一次車禍中有兩人喪生。

●The frost killed the flowers. 霜把花凍死了。

●President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963. 甘迺迪總統於1963年在達拉斯被暗殺。

●Mussolini was caught by Italian guerrillas on April 27, 1945 while trying to escape to Switzerland and executed after a brief trial. 1945年4月27日,墨索里尼試圖逃往瑞士時,被義大利游擊隊抓獲,經短暫審訊之後,即被處決。

●The injured horse was dispatched by its owner. 受傷的馬被他的主人殺死了。

●The executioner quickly dispatched the condemned man. 行刑者迅速將該犯處決了。

●According to the historians he murdered his rival in cold blood. 根據歷史學家考證,他蓄意殺死了他的競爭對手

●It is said that one person was murdered on the beach. 據說有個人海灘上被謀殺了。

●The slain man has not yet been identified. 被殺的人至今還未被查出身份

●He was slain in battle. 他戰死沙場

●Many cattle and sheep are slaughtered here. 這兒屠宰了許多牛羊