幹細胞配對成功!萬人驗血救癌童奏效 母興奮喊:活命機率大增

奧斯卡去年12月28日確診急性淋巴球白血病(acute lymphoblastic leukemia)。(圖/翻攝自臉書/Hand In Hand for Oscar)


英國一所小學本月初發起捐血配對活動,協助校內的5歲白血病童奧斯卡(Oscar Saxelby-Lee)尋找繼續活命機會,引起當地熱烈迴響,許多單位更因此出現驗血捐幹細胞人潮,多達上萬人選擇站出來幫助奧斯卡。令人振奮的是,孩子母親薩克絲碧(Olivia Saxelby)已透過臉書證實,目前有3個人配對成功,大大增加奧斯卡活下去的機會。

《每日郵報》報導,原本活蹦亂跳的奧斯卡先前突然變得非常安靜,經常只想躺在沙發上休息,沒有胃口,且身上不斷出現莫名瘀青,但直到去年12月就醫後才發現,奧斯卡罹患急性淋巴球性白血病(acute lymphoblastic leukemia),且必須在3個月內找到匹配的幹細胞進行移植,否則病情就會急速惡化,甚至無法保住性命

▼ 奧斯卡在醫院迎接5歲生日。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Hand In Hand for Oscar)

消息一出,奧斯卡就讀的皮曼斯頓小學(Pitmaston Primary School)決定替他舉辦捐血配對活動,希望可以藉此尋找更多機會,沒想到吸引4855人冒雨排隊小時,只爲了篩檢出能跟男童匹配的幹細胞。自此之後,伍斯特市政廳、當地大學血液癌症慈善機構DKMS紛紛涌現驗血人潮。根據統計,多達上萬人自願站出來幫助奧斯卡。


We’re all set up and ready! Help us break a record for registering the most stem cell donors ever by coming to Pitmaston Primary School on Saturday and Sunday - where else would you be!!! ⁦@DKMS_uk⁩ ⁦@bbchw⁩ ⁦⁦@wearefreeradio⁩ ⁦@worcesternews⁩ ⁦ pic.twitter.com/t5nxlhP8gg

In the queue for the @DKMS_uk sign up for Oscar, great to see so many people out supporting the event. Especially in the rain! The queue behind me is even longer! #handinhandforoscar pic.twitter.com/nPZoRSQ46y

「我無法用言語來形容我有多麼興奮」,奧斯卡父親傑米(Jamie Lee)提到,「我們知道這是另段艱辛過程的開始,但我們會一起戰勝這一切,讓他回到他溫暖的家,迴歸他應該要有的生活。」


❗!!WE HAVE THE BEST NEWS TO SHARE!!❗ OSCAR HAS A MATCH!!!!!!! Wahooooooooooo Mum: Absolutely thrilled to announce Oscar has finally got a stem cell match, not just one but three and will be under going transplant very soon!! What an emotional rollercoaster it's literally been a journey of heartache and dread continuosly, but ..... WOW!!!! What a feeling of relief and positivity to help Oscar kick cancers butt!! Com'on Bear you've got this! It has been so so traumatic but we are over the moon with being given a chance to tackle the next step in treatment!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of you out there who have registered, supported and continued to spread the word for our beautiful boy and those in need of wonderous bone marrow cells We could never have done this without you all!!! Thank you to Land Rover who donated the Jeep to the raffle and those in Ross who kindly gave it to Oscar! HUGS to you all!!! Although we haven't had specific details of the chosen donor and won't for about 2 years post transplant, we will know the details such as age, gender and nationality as soon as the donor is chosen!! I cannot tell you how ecstatic I am....we all are!!! In fact I don't think any news has ever made us so happy in our entire lives!!! We know this is the beginning of yet another tough journey but we will beat this together and get him home where he belongs, living the life he absolutely deserves Bear we are all behind you my darling Here's to a long but positive road ahead Again thank you all!!!! WE'RE ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY #handinhandforoscar #faith #hope #strength #childhoodcancer #helpusbeatcancer #love Pitmaston PTA DKMS Midlands Hub Anthony Nolan Worcester News BBC Hereford & Worcester BBC Midlands Brockhampton Court - Brockhampton Care Group The Prince of Wales