收容所來新朋友...金金主動關心皮包骨小馬 暖心磨蹭:我陪你

▲超暖心的阿金主動去找皮包骨小馬磨蹭。(圖/翻攝自臉書粉專Carolina Equine Rescue & Assistance,下同)


美國卡羅萊納州有間馬匹拯救和援助中心(Carolina Equine Rescue and Assistance,CERA),這裡專門協助受到虐待、被主人遺棄的馬匹,而中心裡有一隻可愛的黃金獵犬莫莉(Molly),貼心的牠每當看到收容所有新的成員來臨時,總會給牠們最暖心的招待。(即時接收毛毛軍團訊息!快加寵物雲Line)







Hey everyone. I have to tell all of you never in a million years did I expect this little video to have so much popularity. I just put it out there with no caption so let me add a little background to this. This is Molly my 3 year old golden retriever who was a gift from my dad. She is my second golden and I just love their personalities. Always happy and Molly is your typical Walmart greater. She loves everyone including all the animals we have on the farm. She especially loves the minis she can reach them much easier. Sammy the mini that she is comforting just came into CERA’s program. He is nothing but skin and bones and scared. Molly truly has an exceptional sense of knowing when one of the animals doesn’t feel good or sad. So she very gently introduces herself. This is her job and she is very good at it as you can see. Please follow Sammy’s progress on our Carolina Equine Rescue & Assistance page. Sammy has a long ride of rehab to go and I will keep everyone informed.