
澳洲工黨領袖艾班尼斯(Anthony Albanese)23日上午宣示就職澳洲第31任總理。(圖片來源:美聯社)









選舉當天,臺灣外交部發推特恭喜艾班尼斯,但在同一個推特感謝莫里森。這樣有點失禮,也明顯表示臺灣政府很失望。 應該分開表達,一個恭喜艾班尼斯, 另外發一個感謝莫里森。






Taiwan Disappointed by Labor Party Victory in Australia

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman Republicans Abroad

Twitter: @RossFeingold

On 21 May 2022 Australia held its federal election to elect all 151 members of the House of Representatives and 40 out of the 76 members of the Senate. The Liberal-National (the conservative, or right of center) coalition failed to win a fourth consecutive election, and Labor Party (left of center) leader Anthony Albanese has replaced Liberal Party leader Scott Morrison as prime minister.

As one of the major western democracies, an important trading partner for Taiwan, and with an increasingly important role in regional security in Asia, Australia’s election result will affect Taiwan in many ways. Due to the “China factor”, many other countries in Asia, Europe, and the United States paid close attention to this election.

Like the results of Canada’s election last September in which the incumbent Liberal Party (Canada’s left-of-center party) led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau again won a sufficient number of seats to only form a minority government, those who supported Scott Morrison’s robust China policies (which were consistent with the Trump Administration policies) are understandably disappointed and are concerned about Australia’s China policy under new Prime Minister Albanese.

Following Canada’s election, this author wrote a commentary for The China Times that discussed how the Taiwan government had taken several public actions prior to Canada’s election that demonstrated its support for Canada’s Conservative Party. In other words, Taiwan had wagered (押寶, yābǎo) that Canada’s Conservative Party would win the election. Notwithstanding that the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and Canada’s Conservative Party share little in common on social issues, climate change, or COVID-19 policy, the Taiwan government’s hope that the Conservative Party would win Canada’s election was based solely on China issues. In this regard, Taiwan’s strategy in Canada was similar to its strategy in the United States, where the Taiwan government and the Democratic Progressive Party have become close to the conservative Republican Party, despite having little in common other than on China issues.

It is no surprise that in Australia, Taiwan pursued a similar strategy. Taiwan’s actions demonstrated a preference for the conservative Liberal-National coalition to win the election, despite the significant differences between the Democratic Progressive Party and the Liberal-National coalition on most issues other than China.

In 2017, Taiwan signed a secret agreement with Australia’s Liberal-National coalition government to provide medical treatment for asylum seekers detained on Nauru, so as to prevent these detainees from seeking medical care in Australia. Although many details of this arrangement remain unknown, there was much media and non-government organization criticism of Taiwan’s participation, and it is unclear what benefit Taiwan received in return.

In 2020, former Liberal-National prime minister Malcolm Turnbull spoke to the Yushan Forum via videoconference, and in 2021, former Liberal-National prime minister Tony Abbott visited Taipei to speak at the Yushan Forum. Although details of their appearances were not leaked to the media as what happened with former United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, both Turnbull and Abbott’s comments in support of Taiwan differed significantly from what they said or did as prime minister.

Also in 2021, the Taiwan government expressed its enthusiasm for the AUKUS agreement under which Australia will acquire nuclear powered submarines, despite the Taiwan government’s opposition to the use of nuclear power in Taiwan.

As if to underscore Taiwan's disappointment that Morrison will no longer be prime minister, Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted its congratulations to Albanese, but in the same tweet, thanked Morrison for his support, rather than separately tweet a congratulations to Albanese and a thank you to Morrisoin.

It remains to be seen whether Australia’s new government will seek a closer relationship with Taiwan or if the Taiwan government’s enthusiasm for the Liberal-National coalition will affect bilateral relations going forward. There are several potential actions to watch for.

When then-Defence Minister Peter Dutton said in 2021 “It would be inconceivable that we wouldn’t support the US in an action if the US chose to take that action” if there is a war in the Taiwan Strait, then-shadow foreign minister Penny Wong quickly criticized Dutton for departing from the US policy of “strategic ambiguity”. With even President Biden sometimes departing from “strategic ambiguity”, the new Australian government’s policy should be a concern for Taiwan.

Australia is a member of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, but it is unknown whether the new government will enthusiastically advocate for Taiwan’s CPTPP membership.

The new Australian government has committed to appointing Australia’s inaugural First Nations Ambassador. A bold action would be to send this ambassador to attend relevant events in Taiwan such as the Austronesian Forum.

If the new Australian government fails to take enthusiastic action to support Taiwan, it will be easy to blame Prime Minister Albanese, though some blame will also need to be borne by Taiwan.
