駕駛不滿前車擋路怒開槍!6歲童中彈 死前哭喊:媽我肚子好痛

▲里歐斯(Aiden Leos)在後座中彈身亡。(圖/翻攝自推特/@Weinsteinlaw)



綜合外媒報導,洛杉磯一名媽媽21日開車載着6歲兒子里歐斯(Aiden Leos)出門,當時里歐斯就坐在後座右方的安全座椅上。結果車子開到55號公路往北的Garden Grove 22號公路及Chapman Avenue路段時,疑似擋到後方白色轎車,駕駛飛速超車後,竟搖下車窗對着他們開了幾槍,接着加速逃逸。

Memorial grows for a six year old boy killed in a road rage freeway shooting. Suspect shot through the back of the car and the bullet hit a 6 year-old boy and killed him. The community mourns as the media continues to cover this story.#RoadRageShooting#AidenLeos#PrayForFamily pic.twitter.com/FBqNcCAcor


After 6-year-old Aiden Leos was fatally shot while riding in a car with his mom on the 55 Freeway in Orange, his heartbroken sister spoke about the tragic loss. Family and police are urging the public to come forward with any information to help them track down the shooter. pic.twitter.com/B8cXrknGdk


目前警方正在積極調閱監視器進行調查,據瞭解當時白色車上坐着一男一女,他們也鼓勵民衆提供行車紀錄器幫忙抓住嫌犯。另外依據美國槍枝暴力檔案(Gun Violence Archive)網站數據,今年美國已經有119名11歲以下的兒童死於槍枝暴力。


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