Janet曝產後「夫妻工作分配」 釣出衆女星瘋狂爆掛!










I know you all think you have the best husbands ever, but I'm here to tell you that you’re wrong. *I* have THE BEST husband and baby daddy ever and here’s why.妳們可能都覺得妳們的老公是最棒的, 但是我現在要大聲宣佈: 你們錯了, *我*的老公是最棒的老公也是最棒的爸爸。爲什麼呢?我告訴你。At Dayeh, they try and teach you everything you need to know about the care of yourself and newborns. So far, we’re into week two and George and I have split up the baby responsibilities quite evenly I think. Here’s the breakdown:在 大葉產後護理之家 ,護理師都會教你所有需要學的關於照顧自己跟你剛生出來的寶寶。到現在,Egan兩個禮拜大了,而我們照顧寶寶的責任也已經分配好了。我覺得滿平均的。 這個是我們的工作分配:George’s responsibilities:George Young 要負責的部分:Change the diapers (about 8-12 times a day!)換尿布 (一天 8-12次)Mark down each time he does a diaper change, noting the weight, color, consistency of the pee/poop寫下每次換尿布的時間還有注意尿尿跟大便的顏色、量, 等等Wash Egan’s butt with warm water with his HAND when Egan poops用溫水跟他的手(只有他的手)洗寶寶剛剛大完大便的屁屁Rub zinc oxide on his butt so he doesn’t get diaper rash抹一些氧化鋅在寶寶的屁股上所以Egan的屁股不會起疹子Clean Egan’s mouth every day (did you know babies had to basically brush their teeth? They don’t even HAVE any teeth!)幫Egan“刷牙” (你知道嗎就算寶寶沒有牙齒我們也要刷牙嗎?!?!)Give him a bath幫他洗澡Wash his hair洗他的頭髮Clean his belly button with 75 and 95% alcohol until the remaining umbilical cord (the cord that George cut after catching our baby as it came out of me) falls off.用75%和95%的酒精清潔他的小肚肚一直到身上還留存着的臍帶自動脫落Teach Egan a British accent教Egan英國口音Sterilize all of the breastfeeding paraphernalia.清潔消毒所有親喂的哺乳用具Store any freshly pumped milk and mark down the date and time on each stored bottle.要存好所有剛擠出來的新鮮的母乳,且在奶瓶上清楚標記日期、時間Help me adjust my breastfeeding posture and make sure Egan’s comfortable during each feeding session幫助我調整我親喂的姿勢,而且確保Egan在每個喝奶的階段都很舒服Console and entertain me, and give me shoulder rubs安慰並娛樂我,而且要幫我按摩肩膀Fit the car seat every time we need to bring Egan somewhere.每次要帶Egan出門時要幫忙將嬰兒汽座車上安裝好Read up on the latest baby products時時更新所有最新的嬰兒用品When baby wakes up, check his diapers for pee or poo then bring him to mommy to feed當寶寶起牀的時候,檢查他的尿布有沒有便便與尿尿並且帶他去找媽媽喝奶Mark down the time of feeding and how long Egan feeds for寫下每次喝奶的時間跟長度Burp him after feeding拍他到他打嗝Swaddle him after burping to make sure he’s cozy用包布的方式讓他有安全感Sooth, Play or Entertain Egan after swaddling him until he falls asleep安撫他、跟他玩、陪他玩到他睡着爲主Make sure he’s still breathing while he’s sleeping確認他還在呼吸Get up in the middle of the night and double check again to make sure Egan’s still alive and breathing半夜起來再確認一次他還在呼吸,還活着。Janet’s responsibilities:我的負責的部分:Feed the baby餵飽小孩