法鬥困在52度車內!縮袋下「乘涼」 動保員破窗急送醫

狗狗熱極了,躲在袋子下小小的空間想乘涼,但整輛車像烤箱一樣。(圖/翻攝自Lincoln County Humane Society)



動保團體Lincoln County Humane SocietyPO出一段影片事情發生在7月21日,當時氣溫約25度,但體感溫度高達35度,一隻法國鬥牛犬被關在休旅車後座,熱到躲在袋子底下「乘涼」,雖然車窗微開,但一點作用也沒有,OSPCA用溫度計量,短短10分鐘車內溫度從41度飆高到52度。由於再等下去狗狗可能有生命危險,動保員立刻破窗把狗狗抱出來送醫院,而獸醫也發現狗狗確實正在發高燒。幸好經過治療法鬥漸漸恢復健康

Lincoln County Humane Society表示,雖然各界一而再再而三宣導不要把狗留在車裡,但還是經常有飼主不以爲意,而最後法斗的主人也被依虐待動物罪被起訴。他們再三強調,千萬不要把狗留在車裡,動物容易熱衰竭,特別是短鼻子的狗如法鬥巴哥西施犬等,都更加容易熱衰竭而造成生命威脅

While we continue to educate dog owners about the dangers of leaving their dog in a hot car, we will continue to effectively deal with those who don't. Today (July 21, 2017) it was 25 degrees out and feels like 35 degrees. Inside the vehicle, it was between 41 and 52 degrees. After breaking the window, the French Bulldog was removed from this vehicle and immediately taken to a veterinarian with an elevated temperature. The dog has recovered and is doing well. The cooperative owner was charged for this incident. Please watch this video and share it, with the message - No Hot Pets - please do not leave your pet in a hot car, ever!