超可愛~美中第一夫人賜名 新生貓熊叫「貝貝」





彭麗媛在活動中提到,貓熊就好像是美國與中國之間的橋樑一樣,而隨着越來越多的貓熊寶寶誕生,也希望未來兩國之間的關係能夠更緊密。動物園園長凱利(Dennis Kelly)也表示,能夠邀請到美中第一夫人蔘與命名,真的非常令人興奮,也象徵40多年來貓熊保育工作的成功。


Keepers were able to weigh the panda cub yesterday and he’s 2.95 pounds of adorable! The 4.5 week-old cub is now larger than both his siblings were at the same age. Bao Bao was about 2 pounds and Tai Shan was 2.6 pounds. He had a veterinary exam Sept. 17, and he’s 31 centimeters long from his head to the tip of his tail. He is able to push himself up on his 10 centimeter-long front legs and sometimes scoots around the den. He’s not walking yet, though. But, he can hear now! Keepers noticed that he reacted to the noise of a door opening on Saturday. His eyes won’t open for another few weeks. #PandaStory