10殘障汪汪駕「風火輪」海灘狂奔 開心表情感動網友 


10幾隻狗狗海灘上奔跑超開心,但仔細一看牠們的身後都拖着輪椅,其實他們是摩洛哥收容所SFT - Animal Sanctuary照顧的毛孩,雖然因爲各種原因奪去了身體的自由,但是志工們很努力讓牠們跟一般狗狗一樣,自在享受生命。這段天真快樂的影片,療愈許多網友

SFT - Animal Sanctuary分享的影片中,10只狗狗追著志工Salima Kadaoui狂奔,飛快的速度完全看不出牠們是殘障的毛孩,反而很享受「風火輪」帶來的快感。當Salima Kadaoui放慢腳步,狗狗們也乖巧地跟一旁,聚集簇擁着看起來很有秩序,彷彿是結束郊遊跟着老師「集合」的小朋友

Sahara, Rzala and a lucky puppy on the beach. Always a great opportunity to educate people and for our babies to have fun. www.sftmorocco.org

SFT - Animal Sanctuary收容許多身殘的毛孩,他們認爲雖然行動不方便,但穿上輪椅後狗狗的活動力也和一般毛孩沒有區別,所以經常帶着這些孩子活動筋骨海邊就是他們的放風去處之一。


Sooty going to the beach for the first time!!! www.sftmorocco.org

Exercising with the babies and trying not to get run over by my babies. Please help us continue with our work and be part of the SFT family. Love to you all. Salima Kadaoui (Sally) xxx Founder and President of SFT www.sftmorocco.org
