快訊/德州酒吧音樂會槍擊2死5傷 槍手仍在逃

德州酒吧發生槍擊案。(圖/翻攝自google maps)


美國德州一處酒吧當地時間19日晚間發生槍擊,造成2死5傷,當時位於聖安東尼奧(San Antonio)的一家酒吧內部正舉行音樂表演,場內羣衆先是爆發紛爭,接着有人拿出槍枝開始攻擊,其中一名死者是21歲的男性,另一名死者傷勢嚴重、最後不治身亡。

Officials said seven people were shot at the Ventura bar located in the 1000 block of Avenue B near the riverwalk. Two people have died. https://t.co/SIFHrH5r7o



美聯社》報導,警方在19日晚間8時以後接獲通報,緊急前往現場。聖安東尼奧警長麥克馬納斯(William McManus)表示,當時酒吧爆發紛爭,導致多名顧客遭遇槍擊,先是一名受害者當場死亡,另外6人被送往醫院,其中一人在到院後被醫療人員宣告死亡。麥克馬納斯說明,他有信心很快能確認嫌犯身分並將他繩之以法。

SAPD: 2 dead, 5 hospitalized in shooting at Ventura bar on Ave. B near downtown. Suspect on the run but Chief McManus expects to have them ID'd and arrested "sooner than later." Updates coming on the #Nightbeat and https://t.co/XU9FqidmtV. @ksatnewshttps://t.co/TcZzlRuD1j

JUST IN: SAPD on scene of a reported shooting at Avenue B and East Jones. Police Chief William McManus just arrived. We are waiting more info. #kens5eyewitness pic.twitter.com/q46q2hiwFX