苦瓜臉超厭世!新一代「臭臉貓」波斯Louis爆紅 主人笑:其實脾氣不差

▲Louis總是皺眉生氣表情被認爲是下一代「不爽貓」。(圖/翻攝自louisandmonae IG)


因爲一張臭臉而聞名全球的「不爽貓」Grumpy Cat,已在5月14日因爲尿路感染併發症去世,讓全球超過1000萬的粉絲相當心碎。不過現在繼任者似乎已經出現。

Thanks everyone for all the kind words and prayers. We should get the biopsy results and lab work back by Monday. I’m doing well, happy and sassy per usual . Here are rare photos of me scared shitless... First biopsy I took like a champ, second one they had to wrap me in this towel. They also gave me an antibiotic and blood work on the second round Not happy in these photos but I was glad mama was by my side before and after the procedures! I was sniffing her shirt and giving her all the head rubs in the world I’m glad to be home and now to wait for the results! I will keep you all updated! Thanks again! Mom appreciates and feels much better with you alls support!

@ louisandmonae 分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 5月 月 30 日 下午 1:39 張貼



雖然還遠遠不及前任「不爽貓」的Grumpy Cat,但Louis也已經累積了4000多名粉絲,甚至公認Louis就是下一代的「不爽貓」。

不過Louis的主人米雪兒(Michelle Alexis)透露,其實Louis的臭臉完全就是個樣子,實際上Louis很少不爽,個性活潑可愛,特別愛撒嬌,還喜歡追着雷射筆的紅點或是玩具


Grumpy Cat(@realgrumpycat)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 4月 月 4 日 下午 6:19 張貼

▲Grumpy Cat是「不爽貓」始祖,全球擁有超過1000萬粉絲,但日前已經去世。

由於Grumpy Cat是因爲罹患骨軟骨發育不全才時時臭臉,讓很多粉絲擔心Louis是不是有遺傳疾病,「爲何總是皺着眉體?」不過米雪兒說,Louis單純就是長得皺眉樣,身體一切健康。
