超認真!汪星人一臉嚴肅賞油畫 網友封:黃金藝評家



狗狗真的看得懂藝術!IG帳號juliaspowell10上月PO出一則可愛逗趣的影片,只見黃金獵犬艾拉(Ella Fitzgerald)站在主人茱莉亞(Julia)畫的油畫前觀賞,這個舉動讓茱莉亞大呼,「怎麼一回事啊!」影片至今已累積近18萬次觀看次數聚精會神的「看畫」模樣網友們全笑翻了。






Okay guys - WHAT IS GOING ON! I have to post because this will never happen two days in a row again. Came outside to photograph this work in progress and my dog Ella Fitzgerald was staring at my painting. I have three theories. 1. Yesterday and today I used a lot of blue and green and maybe she is responding to those colors. 2. Both of the canvases (yesterday and today) are linen made by the same manufacturer - maybe they smell a certain way. 3. My dog is a genius and actually sees something here and is going to make me famous by writing about my work in a NYT bestselling art theory book she publishes one day. What do you guys think? Do you have another theory? #oilpainting #goldenretriever #modernart #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #contemporarypainting #abstractart #japanesegardens #landscapepainting #landscapelovers #creative #impressionism #fineart #painting #artcritic #goldenretrieversofinstagram #englishcreamgoldenretriever #wtfishappeninghere #funnyvideos #funnyface #hilarious #dogsarethebest

Julia S. Powell Art(@juliaspowell10)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 5月 月 3 10:19上午 PDT 張貼