編輯/Amanda 圖/翻攝NETFLIX、IG@emilyinparis
由莉莉柯林斯(Lily Collins)主演的《艾蜜莉在巴黎》(Emily in Paris)絕對是最近網上討論話題最高的影劇作品之一,整部影集除了欣賞一套美過一套的時尚華服、高顏值主角羣和男女主角的浪漫談情,劇中更有許多關於愛情、工作與生活的經典名句,超貼近真實生活的臺詞每一句都直戳人心,讓人反思自己的同時也能從中獲得正能量,快來看看以下15句「艾蜜莉金句」有哪些打中你。
1.你是爲工作而活,我們是爲生活而工作。(You live to work, we work to live.)
2.只有當兩件物品擺在一起的時候,我們纔會被迫去比較兩者。(When two things are next to each other, we're forced to compare them.)
3.我不想100%擁有一個人,也不想讓任何人擁有100%的我。(I don't want 100% of anyone, and I don't want anyone to have 100% of me.)
4.你最大的問題就是,總以爲你能逃離現實。你永遠也無法逃離現實。永遠。歡迎來到法國人的結局。(Thinking you could escape life is your problem, you can never escape life. Never. Welcome to the French ending.)
5.無知,讓人自大。(Ignorance makes you arrogant.)
6.香水就像是生活的寫照,甜膩只能以苦澀來平衡。(Perfume is like in life, one has to balance the sweet with...the stinky.)
7.一切皆有可能!這是法國人的座右銘。(Everything is 'pas possible!' It's the French motto.)
8.有時候夢想就是會出乎意料地發生。(Sometimes your dream is somewhere you didn't expect it to be.)
9.一直假裝直到成功了爲止!(Fake it till you make it.)
10.我喜歡巴黎,但我不確定巴黎是否喜歡我。但那也無所謂,因爲我已經花了一輩子,試圖讓別人喜歡我了。(I like Paris but I'm not really sure Paris likes me. Maybe that's okay. I've spent my entire life wanting to be liked.)
11.香水就像一件美麗的睡衣,讓你更自信、更性感、更快樂。(Perfume is like wearing beautiful lingerie, makes you feel more confident, sexier, happier.)
12.時尚不是一個概念,時尚是要看起來很美。(Fashion is not about a concept, it's about looking beautiful.)
13.我想一直當個盡責的女孩,而不是個做錯誤決定的女孩。(But I'm the girl who shows up, not the girl who makes bad decisions.)
14.大膽是從零做起,創造出一個完全屬於自己的東西。(Fearless is starting something from zero, marking something that’s all your own.)
15.爲何展開新生活還需要等待?(Why wait to start my new life?)