阿榮福利味/Wise Program Uninstaller - 軟體移除


軟體移除工具 - Wise Program Uninstaller(簡稱:WPU),簡單便利的軟體移除工具,可以依照軟體安裝日期來排序,安全移除(Safe Uninstall)功能可以在移除軟體之後主動列出殘留的檔案資料夾、登錄檔,強制移除(Forced Uninstall)功能可以暴力刪除軟體,移除項目(Remove Entries)功能可以刪除清單中的項目。(阿榮)

Wise Program Uninstaller helps you uninstall your unwanted programs or forcibly uninstall the program you can't uninstall by Windows or other programs. Moreover, it also can remove the residual entries which may drive you mad. The much-anticipated Wise Program Uninstaller has many attractive advantages such as easy to use, simple but elegant GUI, etc.

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