阿榮福利味/Wise Game Booster - 電腦加速軟體


免費遊戲加速軟體 - Wise Game Booster,就算沒玩遊戲也可以使用的電腦加速軟體,可以掃描電腦問題並最佳化,具有系統最佳化、處理程序最佳化、服務最佳化功能,能夠將記憶體網路硬碟處理器...等遊戲相關的元件最佳化,並關閉多餘的處理程序及服務;可以把常玩的遊戲捷徑加入此軟體,以便開啓遊戲前一併執行最佳化。(阿榮)

Wise Game Booster is a free game speedup tool. User can use it to boost up games by improving PC performance. With one click optimization, user can easily do this even novice. For advanced user, it is possible to manually close processes and unnecessary Windows services, and also do other optimizations. Add the games into "my games box", and then you don't need to find the game from complicated desktop icons.

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