
本站教育訊 (來源:BuzzFeed)加拿大愛國熱情,體現在對這片富饒土地的熱愛、對國家體制的認可、以及作爲加拿大人自豪感上。BuzzFeed日前展開了一個調查,問加拿大人對本國的什麼最爲自豪,以下是大家給出的答案

1、 我們很禮貌包容性很強,不會對人家評頭論足

“I’m very happy with society in general here,” one person said。 “I was born in Canada and as much as I hate the cold, I really can’t imagine living anywhere else。”


Submitted by Leah Martine Rioux。

2、 每次進出商場,總有人幫我開門

”[…and] because when I hold the door for someone I’m instantly greeted with a smile and ‘thank you’。 Being Canadian is so much more than toques, lumberjacks, and say ‘eh。’ You’re just bred awesome, and taught to respect elders and always be polite eh?”


Submitted by violetvirginiae。

3、 我們的服務,我們的好客之道,我們的醫療系統

4、 我們能接受任何人——任何皮膚、任何文化、任何宗教、任何性取向

“I’m proud to call Canada my home。 We have a large, diverse, and very beautiful, landscape。 I love our society in general。”


Submitted by Elyse Panici。

5、 以下是一位網友故事

“While wearing a shirt that said ‘Canada’ in a McDonalds in Berlin, a lady came up to me and asked if I was Canadian。 After saying I was, she asked if I could look after her CHILD while she went to stand in line。 When she saw the look of confusion she simply said, ‘You’re Canadian, I know I can trust you。’”


Submitted by interitus。

6、 我們的多元文化

“I’m proud to be Canadian because of our diversity。 We have people who come from all over the world and are proud to call themselves Canadian as soon as they come here。”


Submitted by O2525。

7、 我們禁止槍支,可是我們不禁止健達出奇蛋


Submitted by HannahHR。

8、 我們有完善的教育系統

Submitted by akefyi。

9、 我去旅遊時候,告訴別人我是加拿大人,人家會由衷的說:加拿大是個好地方!

Submitted by melissag4bf67849f。

10、 加拿大的風景很美

11、 加拿大的雪景也很美

Along with some of the country’s natural charms: “The best walks in the night when it’s snowing and the sky looks pink” and “The best fall season with a million foliages turning into my favourite colors。”


Submitted by angiepoultonb。

12、 我們善待動物,這裡有最多的野生熊

13、 Poutine

14、 我們有最好的啤酒

15、 這裡很和平,這裡的罪案率很低

This person also adds and counterbalances that “although the cost of the living has risen, wages seem pretty stagnant, employment prospects are pretty bleak… I think once you have secured one of those well protected jobs, life can be pretty sweet。”


Submitted by Karen Zhou。

16、 Tim Horton’s,不解釋

17、 雖然我們很愛國,但是我們不炫耀

“We don’t try to make ourselves out to be better than anyone。”


Submitted by Michele Gardner。

18、 如果你非要在加拿大人身上問題,問題是有的,就是我們太喜歡道歉


Submitted by megana441be927b。