
我走到講臺前, 看了看擺在那兒的電腦,發現電腦上顯示的還是於洋做陳述時用的資料,他剛剛走得匆忙, 忘記退出了。我輕輕滑動電腦的鼠標, 把他的文件關掉, 到我的文件夾裡把我事先準備好的故事版調了出來, 並把故事版中的第一幅畫投影到了身後的大屏幕上。

這時候會議室裡突然就安靜下來了, 我不知道到底是什麼讓大家安靜下來的,我想大概是因爲我剛剛投影到大屏幕上的第一幅畫吧。他們大概是被畫裡的人物吸引了,我還真得感謝製作部的同仁, 他們把年僅5歲的Daniel畫得真是太生動太可愛了,看到那樣的孩子沒有人會不喜歡。

“Let’s start with the first picture of the story board!”(讓我們從故事版的第一張圖片開始吧!”我的第一句話是這樣說的。說來也奇怪, 此刻我的心情一點都不緊張, 不像上次爲都市桃源案做陳述的那次, 那次我緊張都快斷氣了,這一次我的心情出奇的平靜和鎮定, 這也許是因爲我事先做好了充分的準備,還也許是因爲如今我的自信心大大增強了的緣故。於是在這份出奇平靜和鎮定的心情中,我用一種既恬淡又溫情的語氣開始了英文故事腳本的陳述:

A beautiful house, The bright room.

Daniel (a little boy about 3 years old) is playing a electronic train on the floor. His father is drowning the sketch as a designer on the table beside him. A dignified and elegant Enland watch put on the corner of the table.【close-up】the time which the watch shows is 10:10 am.

【The shot flash back to the room】

“Dad, what time is it?” Daniel stopped playing the train and asked his father .

“It’s 10.”His father answered and keep working on the sketch without checking the watch.

“I see!” Daniel said and go back to the train.

【close-up】The time which the watch shows turns to 10:30.

【The scene shifted to the room】

“What time is it?Dad?” Daniel stopped playing the train and asked his father again .

“It’s 10.”His father answered and still keep working on the sketch without checking the watch.

“Why always 10?” Daniel is not satisfied with the answer.

The father stopped working and turned around to looked at Daniel and said:“You are just a little boy, no work, no school , and no dating with girls, whyyou paid so much attention to the time?”

“I just want to grown up on time, I don’t want to be late, Dad.” Daniel answered.

After Daniel answered the question, The father is shocked, he looked at Daniel with no words.

“What \\\'s up?Dad?” Daniel asked.

“wait a moment , Dad Will be right back!”The father said to Daniel and rush out of the door.

【The shot flash】The father come back , and he put a very cute cartoon style Enland watch【close-up】on Daniel’s arm.

【The shot flash back to the room】

“Enland will help you!”The father said to Daniel.

“Help me what?grown up on time?” Daniel asked.

“Not only on time, but also in style!”The fathe answered.

【The scene shifted to a classroom】Daniel has grown into a teenager ( about 11 or 12 years old).

“May I have a date with you after school tomorrow?” Daniel asked the girl who names Jenny sitting beside him.

“If you can hit a home run in the baseball game tomorrow, I would go to see the movie with you at 4 pm. You have my word. ” Jenny answered.

“It’s a deal. ” Daniel said.

【The scene shifted to the Baseball field】The competition is fierce. Daniel hit the ball as hard as he could. 【close-up】The ball is flying in the sky, very high and very far away.

【The shot flash back to the Baseball field】Daniel is running very fast, finally he get to the base before the fielders pass the ball back. The audience cheered . Daniel raised the hand and checking the watch. 【close-up】Enland sport watch Of exquisite fashion for young people. The time which the watch shows is 3:30 pm.

【The shot flash back to the Baseball field】Daniel raised his hands and cheered:“This is the first home run in my life! just on time!”

【The scene shifted to a campus of a university】Daniel become a young man, he is standing in the campus with the academic dress and talking to his father through the cellphone.

“Graduation ceremony will start at 9:30. wil you be on time?Dad?”

【The scene shifted to the highway】Daniel’s father is talking to his son over the cellphone when he is driving .

“Don’t worry, son ,I’ll make it on time.” The father said.

【The shot flash back to the campus】Daniel is waiting fretfully. He is looking at the road all the time and checking the watch frequently. Suddenly, a red sport car is driving at speed along to him and Stopped at his side. And then Daniel’s father get off the car with □□ile. Daniel is pleasantly surprised and checking the watch. 【close-up】A Enland watch, style for students, brief And Natural.

【The shot flash back】“You\\\'re right on time.” Daniel happily said to his father.

“It’s a gift for you. Congratulations on your graduation ! You\\\'re right on time too. Daniel’s father threw the car key to Daniel. Daniel Instinct to caught the key and is so Surprised.

“wow!” Daniel said.

【The scene shifted to a church】A weeding party is going to start. All gusts are arrived, the Prist is ready,Daniel (the bridegroom) is ready, all that is needed is The bride. Daniel is waiting for the bride so fretfully, he check the watch all the time.The gusts are whispering to each other.

Suddenly the door of the church is opened, the bride who is wearing a beautiful weeding dress is just running into the church. Daniel’s facial expression turns to relieved. The bride running to his side and they happen to coincide checked the watch. 【close-up】A noble and refined Enland Matching watch.

【The shot flash back】The bridegroom and the bride are gazing at each other so lovingly and said :“just on time.” with one voice.

【The scene shifted to a hospital】Daniel’s son was born. 【The shot flash back】The baby became three years old. Daniel put a very cute watch in sunflower style on the baby’s arm and said: 【The scene switch often from Daniel and baby to the close-up of the watch.】 “ The bright color of Enland will supports your visual development. It would make a soft sound if you Wave it gently. It’s Enland, Remember ,My baby! Enland will help you grow up on time and in style ,you’ll never be late, never be out , just like me!

【close-up】Classical style of Enland watch. A words are typed with following the tick of the watch and the female voice—over: Pay attention to each step of your growth. Eland watch always to be with you.




“爸爸,幾點了?” Daniel突然停止了玩兒電動火車並問爸爸。


“哦,知道了。” Daniel回答,並低下頭繼續玩兒電動火車。



“幾點了?爸爸?” Daniel再一次停止了玩電動火車並問爸爸。


“爲什麼老是10點?” Daniel對爸爸的回答表示出不滿。


“我想準時長大,我不想長晚了,爸爸!” Daniel回答。


“你怎麼了?爸爸?” Daniel問。





“幫助我準時長大嗎?” Daniel問。



“明天放學後我能和你約會嗎?Jenney?” Daniel問坐在他身邊的名叫Jenney的女生。

“如果明天的棒球比賽你能打出一個全壘打,我就跟你去看下午四點的電影,我向你保證!” Jenney回答。







“爸爸,畢業典禮就要開始了,您能準時趕到嗎?” Daniel在電話中問道。





“您很準時,爸爸!” Daniel高興地說。








“以上是本案的英文故事腳本,在這個故事腳本中反覆強調了兩個關鍵詞—— on time和 in style,因爲這兩個詞無論對手錶而言還是對人的成長而言都至關重要。試想,一款手錶,如果做不到on time,說明這是一款質量不過關的手錶,如果做不到in style,則說明這是一款不入流的手錶。而對於人的成長而言這兩個詞也同樣關鍵,如果一個人在成長的過程中總是做不到on time和in style,那說明他的人生陷入了一種不是late就是out的境地,我相信沒有人願意讓自己的人生陷入這樣的境地。

本案用on time和in style這兩個關鍵詞在英倫手錶和人的成長之間建立了一種自然而親密的聯繫,這種聯繫讓英倫手錶非常貼切又非常緊密地嵌入了人生的成長之中,就好像一顆寶石被完美地嵌入了貴重金屬一樣,它們的結合意味着它們將要共赴命運的征途,將要共同演繹一段生動璀璨的故事。寶石因有了貴重金屬的依託而被定位於價格不菲的首飾,英倫手錶因爲有了人生成長的依託而被定位於成長的忠實夥伴或是永不背信棄義的朋友,於是英倫手錶被賦予了在人性關懷層面上的價值與意義。而成長的忠實夥伴——永不背信棄義的朋友正是我想通過我們的廣告在目標客戶心中爲英倫品牌建立的目標形象!



另外關於故事的主角Daniel的名字我想做一下特別的說明,Daniel 來源於希伯來語,名字的含義是:\\\"上帝爲我們的裁決者\\\"。Daniel被形容爲英俊強壯的美國童子軍,是喜好運動,勇敢,友善,值得信賴,教養良好,聰明且隨和的人。它是一個很大衆化的男生英文名。在去年出生於美國的男孩中,該名流行度排名第5位。在英國它是流行度排名第8的英文名,在加拿大的排名是第17。Daniel作爲男生英文名,在美國從未像現在這樣流行過。本案之所以給故事的主角取名爲Daniel,一是因爲這個名字跟故事的情節以及人物特徵都十分吻合,二是因爲該產品目前主打的是北美市場,而這個名字當下在北美很受青睞。



