Chapter 267: luck

However, including Gong Xinyang and Oloi and even he Zhixuan Zheng Yang, are extremely fascinated!

Even completely immersed in it, as if they were the soldiers around watching the war.

Ye Tao and Tang Jun used the two outstanding soldiers in this battle, standing in the center of the crowd!

Tang Jun was a little more tender than he is now.

But at the same time, also want to be more proud, be greeted by the first call of the war above, this is stepping out and full of confidence.

At that time, Tang Jun's shoulder was still bandaged with a little wound, and his combat uniform was also damaged.

But on the contrary, it added a bit of a sense of brutality to him!

", Tang Jun, is it all right if you hurt your shoulder? If you can't, don't do it. There's still a hard battle to fight in two days! "

The first battle on the top of the war is obviously a matter of love and care for Tang Jun!

Although he was called out, he was still concerned about advice when he saw the injury on him.

But Tang Jun proudly looked around the scene, laughing: ", this injury is nothing at all!" Everyone also issued a sound of praise, which made Tang Jun's hot blood more crazy surge.

He was already a two-star general.

And when I heard that his opponent was only an intermediate soldier, Tang Jun was already quite curious.

So, he looked around not to show his momentum, but to see who his opponent was.

And there are still many people who are as curious as Tang Jun at the scene.

"where is the man? Why don't you come out yet? " "well, have you heard of this man before?"

"No, I think it's just been dispatched to our side!"

"Yes, it was three days ago that it was dispatched to us, and I heard that its former company was all dead against a senior beast!" He's the only one who survived! "

"Yes, I heard about it, too. In the end, the senior beast will also run away. This guy named Tao Zi has been locked up for two weeks, and he doesn't believe what he says at all!"

", if it were me, I wouldn't believe this guy must have been a deserter! That's a senior animal. It's easy to kill a company. Why can he survive? "

There is a lot of talk around us, the blood moon is in the air, there is a person in the heart is cold and there is no temperature! This man is Ye Tao!

The first part of the war was, of course, aware of the talk around it.

Immediately, the **ile on the face disappeared, and the sound of angry rebuke!

"shut up!"

Although it is time to relax and entertain, the first words of the war are orders.

The order was banned, and many mouths stopped at the scene.

Tang Jun, who was young and frivolous at that time, did not say anything, but he already had extreme doubts about Ye Tao in his heart.

It is even suspected that there has been a mistake in the statistics of the merits of the war.

A guy who could be a deserter, how could it be no different from the number of his killings?

"Ye Tao, come out!"

With the first order of the battle above, Ye Tao came out of the crowd.

Everyone's eyes were on his face.

Ye Tao, on the other hand, is cold and indifferent in his eyes, as if he had ignored everything around him.

The head of the battle above gave a deep look at Ye Tao.

This man was sent by him on purpose, because Ye Tao's team had completely destroyed his record, and he had intentionally investigated it.

It was finally confirmed that Ye Tao could not only be a deserter, but also a man who eventually beat the senior beasts!

This is from the scene of the senior beast will be left of the blood, vaguely can be identified.

A person who should have fainted in the past, when other company soldiers found Ye Tao, Ye Tao only subconsciously urged the body, in some wild animal areas killed a blood road!

And he was almost a bloodthirsty monster!

But after meeting these company soldiers, they lost all their ability to move and fainted completely!

This is not a legend, but this above the head of the war saw with his own eyes!

Therefore, he has always known that Ye Tao, even under the investigation of others, thought Ye Tao might be a deserter, and the head of the battle above still did not give up Ye Tao's investigation.

And in two weeks later, Ye Tao solicited into his subordinates!

He wants to give Ye Tao a chance to prove himself.

And for him, Ye Tao did not disappoint him at all!

In such a medium-scale war, Ye Tao's number of defeats is second only to the top of the battle, Tang Jun!

This in itself is the best proof! Such a man cannot be a deserter!

The top battle stood behind Ye Tao for the first time, looking around at many generals and soldiers around.

But without saying a word, he is not a person who likes to explain more to others. In the end, he only said a word to Ye Tao.

"at the end of the day, prove yourself!"

At that moment, Ye Tao's eyes became burning inside.

And in that moment Ye Tao body changes, Tang Jun can not forget all his life!

"Please give me some advice!"

Tang Jun took the initiative to open his mouth, and then the fighting intention burned!


The top of the battle suddenly intercepted, in all eyes under the voice of the voice.

"after this battle, one of you will be qualified to line up with a hundred of you!"

That shocked everyone!

On the battlefield at that time, there were about 300 people in a company, divided into three lines, that is, 100 people.

Can be directly called centurion!

However, Ye Tao is only an intermediate soldier.

Less than a year after enlistment, apart from this battle, there was no more amazing record, or because most of the former companies were finished.

Therefore, there is no record of record record! The commander-in-chief stands in line, at least with the rank of a two-star general! Tang Jun has reached it.

However, Ye Tao is simply not qualified!

Therefore, at this moment, the following is a lot of talk!

", it seems that the head of the war was intentional, just to support Tang Jun as a centurion ah!"

"Oh, this boy named Ye Tao is really unlucky, ah, unexpectedly ran into Tang Jun!"

"in fact, even without this battle, Tang Jun is qualified to be a centurion."

"Yes, that's what's clear."


Under the discussion of everyone, Tang Jun was so excited that he had been brave enough to kill him for more than half a year.

In addition to the real belief, of course, it is also the hope of success.

However, the top of the war has been let him pressure his temper, hone his character so that he can be promoted.

And now, this opportunity is finally here! And it's still a chance for nothing!

"Thank you for the head of the war!" Tang Jun turned and respectfully performed a war salute!

That makes it clear that you have a chance to win.

At the beginning of the battle, however, there was a sneer on the corners of his mouth. He was a man who knew how to make good use of others.

Tang Jun in front of him is indeed qualified to be a centurion.

Perhaps, just say that if the record, Tang Jun can even serve as a thousand captains!

However, Tang Jun's pride and heart, for this all the way to support Tang Jun above the battle head, is still not up to standard!

That is, what needs to be honed for the last time.

Tang Jun needs a defeat!

Therefore, there is Ye Tao and Tang Jun's first war, which is a complete coincidence, of course, there is also a deliberate arrangement of elements!

Ye Tao was also a little surprised to look at the top of the war for the first time.

Ye Tao is very clear about his strength, more clearly, here, only this above the head of the war can clearly know their own strength!

Let him fight Tang Jun, and reward a centurion!

This is too deliberate! Prove yourself!

Ye Tao knows very well that when he comes to the front line and fights on the battlefield, the first turn of fate has come!


Ye Tao's face was still cold, but his eyes were burning with a sense of battle.

Chapter 117: shockChapter 43:pleadingChapter 373: fearChapter 69:colleagueChapter 198: geniusChapter 380: regressChapter 159: insolentChapter 105: referralChapter 61:have a talkChapter 263: companyChapter 134: cozeChapter 189: argueChapter 353: decideChapter 349: revoltChapter 265: hearingChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 170: pityChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 235: furyChapter 415: palacesChapter 324: angerChapter 28: awakenChapter 295:performChapter 364: cureChapter 258: conflictsChapter 403: controlChapter 176: jokesChapter 382: chaosChapter 386: epiphanyChapter 297: fiascoChapter 96: seek helpChapter 63: objectiveChapter 307: coercionChapter 214: Bad railChapter 351: roilChapter 187: persuadeChapter 34:beauty careChapter 326: expiationChapter 196: improveChapter3:ReasonChapter12:TurningChapter 241: fightersChapter 274: intensifyChapter 389: heresChapter 422: combatChapter4:ScoldingChapter 138: momentChapter 82:reportChapter 395: toxicantChapter 243:friendChapter 49: fameChapter 241: fightersChapter 78: enemyChapter 322: actionChapter 312: clashChapter 385: shortcutChapter3:ReasonChapter 97: costChapter 114: nameChapter 110: suppliersChapter 368: bewitchChapter 176: jokesChapter 298: HelpChapter 304: congratsChapter 359: abjectionChapter 63: objectiveChapter 173: requestChapter 83: worryChapter 29: commitmentChapter 239: secretChapter 368: bewitchChapter 113:productChapter 275: busyChapter 39: arroganceChapter 406: hateChapter 227: thoughtChapter 396: wangChapter 216: no hopeChapter 9:trapsChapter 317: factChapter4:ScoldingChapter 287: mightyChapter 53: stop itChapter12:TurningChapter 41: comaChapter 55:honorChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 377: arrayingChapter 285: abilityChapter 32: longgeChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 355: expectChapter 131: meetingChapter 110: suppliersChapter 38: angerChapter 257: angerChapter 177: unhappyChapter 286: handsomeChapter 48:decisionChapter 149: fight