Chapter 218: accidents

Not to mention the middle-aged man, even Ye Tao himself was greatly surprised. He did not expect this yang eye to have such a function, but he could hold a person and burn a mop.

"move!" Under his heart, Ye Tao shouted and blinked, hurriedly took back the red light in his left eye, and when the red light dissipated, the bald middle-aged man, who had just been in a forward position, staggered and fell directly to the ground.

"see the son." The bald middle-aged man didn't care so much, so he hurriedly got up and rushed to Muzhan.

Just now he saw this scene when he came in, and when he saw Mu Zhan spit blood in his heart, he was greatly alarmed and invisible. The middle-aged bald man completely regarded Ye Tao as an enemy that harmed his son.

A breath of black blood had slowly recovered, pausing for a while before returning to calm, waving at his father, Mulong.

"Dad, I'm fine. Dr. Ye was treating me just now." Mu Zhan hurriedly explained.

Just now wooden dragon aggressive appearance, wood Zhan also startled, heard this sentence wooden dragon hurriedly looked up at Ye Tao.

"this should be Master Mu. Please rest assured. Just now I cast a spell to Mr. Mu to treat the poison, and now all the tricks in his lungs have been spat out, but this trick, which lives on oxygen, is not completely dead. I hope you can get some lime to sprinkle on it as soon as possible." Ye Tao said as he pointed to the dirty blood spitting out from the wood on the ground.

After the wooden dragon heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"it turns out that Dr. Ye was the one who accidentally misunderstood me. Please forgive me." After the active wooden dragon knew the original cause of the matter, he looked at Ye Tao with apologies.

But in that case, Mulong is also a subconscious reaction.

"it's all right. Go get the lime. Mr. Mu will be fine with a break now." Ye Tao waved his hands and didn't take it to heart.

Ye Tao at the moment, the most interested Yang eye another function.

Just now when he was threatened, the mop was directly burned, and even the wooden dragon was fixed by Ye Tao. In this way, the function of Lai Yang's eyes is absolutely more powerful than thought. Ye Tao is happy in his heart, and naturally he does not care about the misunderstanding just now.

Look at Ye Tao, although young, but so easy to get along with, wooden dragon hanging heart finally put down, sure his son is all right, hurried out to buy lime.

"how are you feeling now, Mr. Mu?" After the wooden dragon left, Ye Tao looked at Mu Zhan and asked.

Under the irradiation of Ye Taoyang's eyes, all the tricks in the lungs of Mulong have been cleared and have been discharged out of his body. This is also the first time Ye Tao has been worried about things for the first time.

"Thank you, Dr. Ye. You're really a strange person. I didn't know anything before. Now take a breath of air and feel a lot fresher on your chest. I just feel comfortable all over." Mulong looked gratefully at Ye Tao.

He did not expect Ye Tao to have such an ability to know such a person, Mu Zhan's heart is also very excited. Originally, Ye Tao cut off the wool he valued, and there was still a trace of discomfort in Muzhan's heart.

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Now Ye Tao has helped him solve the demagoguery poison in his body, and the joy in Mu Zhan's heart can be imagined.

"all right, that's good. This kind of trick is so weird that even modern medical technology can't detect it. Fortunately, I have a positive eye to deal with."

"ask Mr. Mu to be more careful in the future. If I'm not wrong, it should be for the enemy." Ye Tao speculated.

In this case, only enemies would do such a thing.

In fact, demagoguery is now almost extinct, and very few people have been able to raise it.

As a result, few people can cure such diseases.

"Yes, in fact, we already know who did it now, but the situation is more complicated. You saved me this time. You are the savior of our wooden family. I dare not say that other places will at least be on this side of Spring City in the future. As long as there is something, I just need a word from you." Mu Zhan looked at Ye Tao with his face full of promises and said.

Ye Tao has just come to Spring City, X City, do not know much about the situation here, but also do not know much about Mu Jia, in fact, in Chuncheng this place, Mu Jia is the real leader.

"then thank you very much. Don't worry, I won't be polite when anything happens." Ye Tao said with a **ile.

Mu Zhan dared to say such a thing, Ye Tao did have some interest in the Mu family.

The two men were talking, the wooden dragon had bought lime back, hurriedly sprinkled on the dirty blood that Mu Zhan spit out, followed the wooden dragon back, there was another person, just sold to Ye Tao wool and paid a high price to buy back the white army.

"I didn't expect Dr. Ye to be a generation of divine doctors, Dr. Ye. I'm here to ask you for help this time." As soon as Bai Jun came in, he did not **ile politely at Ye Tao.

"Oh, is that material always buying and losing money and coming to get even with me?" Ye Tao joked after listening.

From the very good conversation between Bai Jun and Mu Zhan just now, we can see that the relationship between the white army and the wooden family is really good, so it is common sense for the white army to appear here.

"where and where, Dr. Ye joked that what we did was a hammer to buy and sell, and how could there be a reason for repentance? I heard that Dr. Ye had really cured Mr. Mu's demagoguery?" Asked the white army curiously.

Mu Zhan had the matter of demagoguery, and Bai Jun also knew it. Just now he saw Ye Tao and Mu Zhan talking about this matter, and when they came back mysteriously, the White Army also wanted to come and have a look.

I didn't know that as soon as I got to the door, I met the wooden dragon who went to buy lime back. I learned from him that under the treatment of Ye Tao, the demagoguery in Muzhan's body had been expelled. Ye Tao had such a medical skill, which was really unexpected to the White Army.

"Yes, just now my old eyes were dizzy, my eyes were clumsy, and there was almost a misunderstanding that frightened Dr. Ye." The wooden dragon, which had just sprinkled the lime, looked apologetically at Ye Tao.

However, Ye Tao's divine operation just now really scared the wooden dragon, and now his heart has not calmed down.

Mulong also did not know how his son Mu Zhan had just come back to know such a mysterious figure as Ye Tao. Just now he met Bai Jun at the door, which made a general understanding of the matter, especially when he heard that Ye Tao had opened a fist-sized stone, and when he came out of the water to plant emerald, the wooden dragon was even more surprised.

I didn't expect Ye Tao not only to be mysterious, but also to have such a good eye.

"it is human nature to worry too much about wood. Is there anything else going on? " Ye Tao waved his hand at the wooden dragon and asked the white army.

Although Ye Tao was joking just now, he could see that there must be something else going on in the White Army.

"well, my little grandson just doesn't know how to learn and play games at home, and he gets kidney stones at a good age."

"you said that this also caused bladder stones, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is to get stone with a variety of means is not completely good, Dr. Ye's medical skills do not know if there can be countermeasures?" Asked the White Army.

Bai Jun said, eyebrows permeated with a touch of sorrow, obviously for their grandson this matter is also a lot of trouble.

Of course, the White Army also left a hand and did not say anything about Ye Tao's eyes.

This is what Mulong told him, but Ye Tao is such a mysterious person, Bai Jun knows that there must be worries in his heart.

"Shi Lin, that's really a little complicated. Where is he now? Maybe I can check it out before I make a decision. " Ye Tao frowned.

Stone, is urination astringent pain is mainly coke accumulation, torturing water caused by kidney stones, bladder stones and ureter stones, these belong to the category of stone.

In short, it is usually less water and urine, sedentary do not exercise caused by, just a kidney stone and so on is fine, but if a few stones add up, that is, stone lymphoid suffering from this disease is really painful.

Chapter 143: wagerChapter 313: elatedChapter 40: apologyChapter 285: abilityChapter 212: accidentChapter 419: harvestChapter 322: actionChapter 135: affectionChapter3:ReasonChapter 185: healingChapter 252: molestChapter 384: betrayChapter 5:AnswersChapter 137:contestChapter 249: sneerChapter 101: powerChapter 194: restChapter 367: hopeChapter 176: jokesChapter 342: secretChapter 58: puzzledChapter 350: evidenceChapter 144: awaitChapter 170: pityChapter 375: hypnosisChapter 98:be fooledChapter 284: requestChapter 51: charityChapter 368: bewitchChapter 405: situationChapter 329: reportChapter 33:fearChapter 323: actingChapter 372: disputeChapter 208: furyChapter 227: thoughtChapter 5:AnswersChapter 61:have a talkChapter1:BreakupChapter 195: scrupleChapter 154: forgiveChapter 232: impedeChapter 191: bullyChapter 348: commerceChapter 318: regretChapter 341: panicChapter 225: adviseChapter 402: ruseChapter 97: costChapter 178: consultChapter 197: warningChapter 295:performChapter 114: nameChapter 167: excusesChapter 183: botherChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 31:meansChapter 398: water holeChapter 165: tactChapter 138: momentChapter 380: regressChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 347: mildnessChapter 313: elatedChapter 211: weepChapter 387: thunderChapter 119: banquetChapter 380: regressChapter 262: fearfulChapter 161: angerChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 254: bonafideChapter 373: fearChapter 34:beauty careChapter 363: matchChapter 11: FailureChapter 306: hostilityChapter 213: sound outChapter 121:furyChapter 264: statusChapter 150: chitchatChapter 117: shockChapter 107: giftsChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 274: intensifyChapter 189: argueChapter 263: companyChapter 251: wagerChapter 145: solitudeChapter 397: prisonChapter 417: intactChapter 339: situationChapter 91: manager LiuChapter 185: healingChapter 9:trapsChapter 184: provokeChapter 196: improveChapter 149: fightChapter 317: fact