Chapter 208: fury

"I hear you're practicing martial arts, too? Unfortunately, it's too late. " The white-haired man shook his head slightly as he looked at Ye Tao, who was still walking towards him.


As soon as the voice fell, a force sprang out of the ground and hit Ye Tao's legs.

In the blink of an eye, the white-haired man did not make any moves. Ye Tao bent his legs and lost his strength and knelt on the ground. This is that it is very scary to use energy and space.

"I also heard that it is a pity that you are a martial arts genius." The white-haired man shook his head slightly.


At this time Ye Tao's calf bent strongly, so that Ye Tao's eyes almost fainted, and Ye Tao, whose legs were injured, knelt on the ground and could not move.

"I also heard that you are an orthopedic doctor? To make a wonderful comeback? I wonder if I can open my eyes and see if your leg can be cured. "

Click! The white-haired man also twisted his thighs when he said Ye Tao.

Ye Tao's two legs are bent like twists and hemp, and it is strange that there is no blood splashing, but the pain is in it, and only Ye Tao, who is sweating, knows in his own heart.

Ye Tao fainted a few times in the past all supported by a breath, he knew that the muscles and bones of his legs have been twisted and broken, but the white-haired man is not moving at all, but can have such a strength is shocking.

Ye Tao crawled on the ground with his hands supported on the ground and his face pale.

"I know you're a master. If you want me to die, be crispy." Ye Tao slowly raised his head and stared bitterly at the white-haired man.

Ye Tao said as he stood on the ground and climbed as hard as he could.

Ye Tao was calm at the moment, and his surprisingly calm heart was as calm as water, but the bone-piercing pain made his face a little twisted.

"how unfunny is that? it's illegal. I've never killed anyone yet. But I will only make life worse than death. "


The white-haired man said, Ye Tao suddenly hit his chest and flew out.

The sound of broken ribs was clearly audible, and Ye Tao's chest sank directly.

This time do not know a few broken ribs, constantly turning white eyes to faint Ye Tao, chest stuffy sore throat sweet, blood constantly spilled from the corners of the mouth.

This is the master of energy, even if tens of meters apart can hurt people in the air.

Ye Tao at the moment, like drunk, dare not speak easily or a mouthful of blood will be spurted out.

Ye Tao is holding back from letting his heart spit out that one mouthful of blood.

"still have the strength?" Looking at Ye Tao landing with his hands on the ground, he also wanted to get up hard and get up and the white-haired man was slightly surprised.

Broken legs are broken into several sections, ribs are also broken can still hold hard, the white-haired man had to look sideways.


As soon as the white-haired man's voice fell, Ye Tao's two arms were suddenly twisted, as if he had been pulled hard and twisted.

At this moment, Ye Tao's hands were also twisted into hemp by invisible forces.

Ye Tao at the moment, like a monster unearthed, his legs and hands twisted, his chest sunken ribs broken, even if the big Luo Jinxian came can not save him.

The endless pain hit Ye Tao's head, and he could not help fainting completely.

I don't know how long it took for Ye Tao to wake up again, and the white-haired man was already standing next to him.

The white-haired man squatted down and squinted at Ye Tao, who was dying.

"Boy, speaking of which I admire a little doctor of yours, dare to fight such a strong background, you say who gave you the courage in the end?"

"or do you have no idea who they are?" The white-haired man **iled triumphantly.

Not to mention people with white hair who know the inside story are surprised, too.

A **all Ye Tao did not know what leopard courage to eat, dare to match the capital power that is tantamount to ants want to eat elephants.

Even now Ye Tao does not know the horror of the forces behind Huang Ming.

He had no idea how those people covered the sky with one hand.

It's like an ordinary person who wants to work against a giant chaebol.

"all I know is they should fight." Ye Tao breathed weak face full of indignation said.

Ye Tao used to be afraid, but now the dead duck's mouth is hard.

He is now a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water and hot, if he had known the background of Huang Ming and his wife, Ye Tao would still do the same.

Because they deserve it.

At a **all level, this is playing a big card, and when you get bigger, you want to bully people.

Unfortunately, they did not expect Ye Tao at that time to have also learned martial arts, and it was more than enough to deal with them.

"A good guy has a lot of gas. I like it." The white-haired man stood up and then stepped away.

As soon as he started, Ye Tao's body shook and his whole body was broken, in which the horror of pain was simply outrageous.

Ye Tao has no bruises and no blood splashes on the outside, but the bones are almost broken into dregs.

Severe tearing pain, so that Ye Tao wants to live rather than die, even the last breath of Ye Tao, now only hanging in one breath.

Now you have to rely on miracles to survive. Ye Tao had a dream in the dark.

"you are just an ordinary doctor, even if there is a swan in the heart, but as a bird ant trying to fight Kunpeng?"

"since you are an ordinary man, do what ordinary people have to do. How about your medical skills? In the end, people are not pinched to death, such as dying ants, just admit a mistake will not bring so much pressure to themselves, why is it difficult for you? "

In Ye Tao's confusion, he seemed to hear someone whispering in his own ear.

But he was so tired that he even found it difficult to open his eyes, like a thousand catties of power on himself, fortunately Ye Tao still had a trace of sobriety, and he could hear that it was Oloy who was talking.

Vaguely, Ye Tao seemed to hear a faint sobs.

"it is a good thing that you do not hesitate to die at a young age, and there is nothing wrong with this matter. The mistake lies in who you are just a mortal. People who cover the sky with one hand are good at them, but you can imagine them? "

"all you see is a star couple, but do you know how deep the water behind them is? You think anyone in the entertainment industry can do this? There is no power behind them that can make it to this day? "

"Yes, you have the ability to tear off their ugly faces regardless of them, but you don't know it's like a flood sluice. Once you open the flood pressure, can you resist it?"

Oloy's voice reverberated in Ye Tao's ear, and some complained more about grievance for Ye Tao.

Even people like Oloy, in the face of the forces behind others, have to bow their heads even if they can fight, the consequences are tantamount to burning themselves.

Ye Tao was hanging in one breath at the moment, and his head was still clear at the last trace, but it was like a candlelight in the wind that could not be swayed for long.

Ye Tao had never thought that the power behind Huang Ming was so powerful that even the Oloi of the European family did not take it seriously. They dared to slap Oloi.

God knows what the seemingly cheerful Oloy experienced after falling to the capital that day, and even now, Ye Tao does not know how powerful the background of the whole sky is.

But there is no doubt that Ye Tao moved the cake, and it was still a big cake.

"your luck is too bad. After so many years of accumulation in the entertainment industry, you beat you up and you said people could not be angry?"

"those people came out of the entertainment industry and came out of the ups and downs, and there was no way you thought they could sit and make money as they do now? You can throw a few punches and break them, so that they won't bother you to find anyone. "

Chapter 86: attendChapter 284: requestChapter 90: destroyChapter 11: FailureChapter 123: discoveryChapter 287: mightyChapter 241: fightersChapter 343: be at easeChapter 143: wagerChapter 48:decisionChapter 349: revoltChapter 62: resolveChapter 264: statusChapter 291: shakeChapter 284: requestChapter 113:productChapter 215: departureChapter 223: severeChapter 365: abuseChapter 79: teaseChapter 207: insistChapter 159: insolentChapter 121:furyChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 73:employeeChapter 154: forgiveChapter 174: disputeChapter 127: troopsChapter 419: harvestChapter 215: departureChapter 110: suppliersChapter 295:performChapter 262: fearfulChapter 35: conditionsChapter 319: arrangeChapter 374: controlChapter 136: loveChapter 114: nameChapter 410: terrorChapter 44: Money fattyChapter 388: promoteChapter 354: statusChapter 415: palacesChapter 192: obstructChapter 216: no hopeChapter 314:accidentChapter 303: springeChapter 230: meetChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 137:contestChapter 159: insolentChapter 421: gameChapter 273: priceChapter 301: startleChapter 414: vigilanceChapter 133: meet withChapter 105: referralChapter 23: tough guestChapter 264: statusChapter 366: weed outChapter 148: ventureChapter 129: spiteChapter 389: heresChapter 274: intensifyChapter 275: busyChapter 340: inquiryChapter 160: The battleChapter 347: mildnessChapter 246: coercionChapter 406: hateChapter 155: go to City AChapter 211: weepChapter 389: heresChapter 411: functionChapter 362: jealousChapter 202: suffererChapter 306: hostilityChapter 128: apologyChapter 419: harvestChapter 220: gnosisChapter 161: angerChapter 315: convulseChapter 170: pityChapter 77: amazingChapter 73:employeeChapter 211: weepChapter 408: To forgiveChapter 19: obligationChapter 369: strategyChapter 217: locationChapter 32: longgeChapter 105: referralChapter 396: wangChapter 376: listlessChapter 355: expectChapter 179: profitChapter 165: tactChapter 267: luckChapter 266: crony