Chapter 146: Snow three

Ye Tao did not stop the work in his hand, carefully staring at the old lady in the needle after the whole body reaction, as expected, a little reptile slowly crawled out of the old lady's back neck fossa, and continued to suck the old lady's blood after coming out!

"Ah -" cried one of the servants, and immediately fainted, perhaps following the old lady from an early age, staying at home without seeing any of the world, and fainted at the sight of the little reptile.

Others are also tight in a group, some even blindfolded, afraid to see what will happen next.

Wei Lao stood there calmly, but his fist was clenched, and a careful look showed that the old man's forehead had sprung up a lot of sweat.

"this is just a **all reptile, and there are all kinds of reptiles in the old lady's body. I have seen it in a medical book before. This disease can not be formed overnight. It must have gone through a long time, slowly accumulated, and poisoned in food for a long time, and will become dependent on it."

"Oh, my God! Who, in the end, is so hard on the old lady that it is unreasonable! "

"then why is the disease only breaking out now?" The old man asked in a trembling voice, the sound fluctuated, and it could be seen that Wei Lao was extremely suppressing anger.

"because it takes a while to raise reptiles, but these reptiles are dormant, once the dormancy period has passed, and then stimulated by drugs, the reptiles will wake up. Once again, the reptiles will eat nutritious food as the ingredients for survival, but once awakened, they will eat the internal organs, send toxicity to the skin, and eventually fester to death."

Everyone took a breath of coolness and was intimidated by the harsh words in these words, and they dared not speak.

After hearing this, Wei Lao wanted to find out the man who set up his wife, but it was not the right time, because the main task was to bring his wife back to life, otherwise the disease would be gone. What's the use of finding out who the killer is?!

"can Dr. Yetao have a cure?"

"Yes, but I'm not quite sure. Just a moment ago, I just wanted to try out whether my idea was wrong. It turned out that I was right. If the disease breaks out, it will surely die in less than half a month. "

Looking at Wei Lao's melancholy eyes, Ye Tao finally knew why he met the old man who had a stroke in the drizzle that day, and why he would meet himself in the hospital in full view of the public. This may be the love that he envies but cannot get. If he can, he also wants to love so ordinary, and then be a doctor with morality and ability.

"Wei Lao, you can rest assured that I will find a way to save your wife."

Wei Lao clasped Ye Tao's hand tightly and shook it hard, hoping that he would be able to heal his wife under the leadership of Ye Tao in the coming days, even if he was willing to invade his family.

"go ahead, I can offer whatever I need. I don't have to worry about the price."

"the cure for this disease requires an elixir."

"what kind of elixir?"

"have you ever heard of Weimeng Mountain? On the hillside of the cliff of Weimeng Mountain, there is a kind of snow ginseng, which is combined with my homemade medicine, and there is a 60% chance that it can be cured. "

"only 60%!" Wei Lao sighed, but in his heart he really did not know how to find another way to treat it. "Yes, I'll send someone to find it!"

"Grandpa, I'll go!" The shrill voice came from outside the room, and Wei Min suddenly disappeared from the line of sight instead of going out for fun, but secretly hiding outside the door unwilling to see or accept Grandma's cause of illness.

She pushed into the door, her eyes soaked with tears, and her fair face scratched two tears, pitiful, so that one could not help comforting her.

"No! I can't let you go in such a dangerous place. If something happens to you, how can I explain it to your grandmother? "

Wei Lao a lost his hand and did not want to refuse Wei Min's request directly.

Seeing Wei Min's pitiful appearance everywhere, Ye Tao also had some heartache and remembered that if he had been so brave to fight for his grandfather, perhaps things would have changed.

"I'll go with her. I have a way to get the snow ginseng, and I can protect Miss Wei Min."

Wei Min opened his eyes and looked at Ye Tao unbelievably. Can such a thin young man protect himself? But no one else can convince Grandpa to send himself to pick up herbs, and he is grateful to him for being able to do such dangerous things with himself at this time.

She blinked, hoping to gain some trust from her grandfather and agree to pick up her own herbs.

Wei Lao looked at his baby granddaughter, and looked at the young man in front of him. He hesitated a little, and finally shook his hand and suddenly said, "go!" Go! But be sure to be safe, or I won't pick up the body with you! "

It feels like angry words, but it contains Wei Lao's concern and doting on Wei Min. He is very reluctant to give up. If his wife is gone and his precious granddaughter is gone, what is the point of living in this world? what is the point of his living in this world?.?!

"by the way, Master Wei, beware of the people around you, and pay attention to your own recent diet. If this reptile is not protected by a specific nutrient, it will gradually die during dormancy."

Wei Lao nodded sharply and pondered something heavy.

Seeing Wei Lao like this, Ye Tao understood that he would not stop if he did not find out who the killer was. He patted Wei Lao on the shoulder and turned and left. Wei Min also went out with Ye Tao and wanted to ask more about her grandmother's illness.

"I told you something you don't necessarily understand. Now that it's time to eat, you'd better go back to dinner."

"Yes, it's time for dinner. Why don't we go eat together?"

Ye Tao is a little surprised. Is this lady getting close to herself? But such a beautiful lady swinging around her side, who did not refuse to come, he laughed.

"Yes, but what I eat may not be as luxurious as you are. Is the barbecue stand next to me?"

Wei Min hesitated for a while and slowly promised, "No problem. I'm not picky about food at all!"

Not picky at all? Who was rejected when I saw you eat yesterday? what coriander, onion, green pepper and tofu were rejected? Ye Tao **iled coldly in his heart and turned to Wei Min and said, "there are coriander and onions in the barbecue. By the way, my favorite food is tofu. Do you want to come?"

"shit!" Wei Min secretly scolded in his heart, eating tofu, what do you want to do? Don't you just rely on a little bit of deep research in this area of medicine, so high-toed is what, she thought for a moment, for her grandmother, also swallowed the words.

"eat as soon as you eat! Who is afraid of who? "

Seeing that Miss Wei was so lovely, Ye Tao chuckled out.

When he saw that the form was wrong, Wei Min kicked Ye Tao with one foot, and Ye Tao jumped with pain.

"what are you talking about? And laugh at me, no one has ever dared to laugh at me, you dare to laugh at me! "

The more Wei Min kicked, the more angry he was, and his little face was red with anger. Ye Tao looked at Wei Min's temper and was very cute and thought of her sister, and immediately stopped. Touching Wei Min's head, he said, "all right, we won't eat barbecue. Let's go eat Saute Spicy Chicken. That's delicious. Do you want to try it?"

"Saute Spicy Chicken? What is that? "

"Chicken on a plate!"

"plates? Can you hold a chicken? "

"just look at it."

Wei Min murmured, how this man will be gentle, once so poor, is really unpredictable.

Chapter 227: thoughtChapter 86: attendChapter 416: trialChapter 30: menacingChapter 318: regretChapter 8: RestorationChapter 344: tabooChapter 72: good luckChapter 154: forgiveChapter 107: giftsChapter 254: bonafideChapter 259: plotChapter 309: purposeChapter 215: departureChapter 103: file a suitChapter 396: wangChapter 94: despicableChapter 219: medicineChapter 70: no salesChapter 228: sleeplessChapter 194: restChapter 139: farceChapter 241: fightersChapter 381: teaseChapter 316: backdropChapter 37:celebrityChapter 7:A dilemmaChapter 139: farceChapter 236: threatsChapter 91: manager LiuChapter 220: gnosisChapter 405: situationChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 254: bonafideChapter 9:trapsChapter 152: sceneChapter 404: join handsChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 284: requestChapter 361: hazardChapter 406: hateChapter 112: testsChapter 387: thunderChapter 315: convulseChapter 121:furyChapter 226: reliqueChapter 68: new workChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 47: cureChapter 178: consultChapter 103: file a suitChapter 327: donationChapter 135: affectionChapter 142: etiologyChapter 145: solitudeChapter 291: shakeChapter 283: robbersChapter 53: stop itChapter 83: worryChapter 358: planChapter 72: good luckChapter 319: arrangeChapter 326: expiationChapter 160: The battleChapter 364: cureChapter 135: affectionChapter 367: hopeChapter 254: bonafideChapter 135: affectionChapter 23: tough guestChapter 377: arrayingChapter 208: furyChapter3:ReasonChapter 324: angerChapter 360: considerChapter 285: abilityChapter 130:newsChapter 347: mildnessChapter 239: secretChapter 256: trembleChapter 170: pityChapter 141: do a favourChapter 49: fameChapter 390: meshChapter 329: reportChapter 88: good deedChapter 248: surmiseChapter 295:performChapter 124: changeChapter 282: warningChapter 384: betrayChapter 280: crisesChapter 367: hopeChapter 80: fleeChapter 41: comaChapter 382: chaosChapter 70: no salesChapter 238: explainChapter 229: strategy