
The 85 year old grandpa Wang is retired as colonel. He gets married with his 69 year old wife for 50 years with very deep emotion.


Unexpectedly, both of them suffer from dementia successively. Their family is busy working during the day time, so they send them to the old hospital center. The two old people receive care and rehabilitation in the day time and then


go home at night.

Surprisingly, although the disease has taken away their health and memory, their deep love for decades won’t be taken away. Both of them forget everything, but still recognize each other's face, and always look for each other's figure.


When walk outside, the couple is always holding hands. Grandpa Wang will chase others to ask where his wife is as long as he doesn’t see her for a while. The medical care personnel will immediately take her in front of him. If he doesn’t see his wife more than a minute, he will be anxious.


But the grandma is very happy every day, whose illness is more serious. She likes dress in red telling the people around,” I am going to get married.” Nursing staff ask her who she is going to marry. She will tell the name of grandpa Wang. It seems that her memory is back to the girl, staying in the happy time forever that she will marry grandpa Wang.


The Taiwan old couple grandpa Wang and Grandma Wang both are dementia, but they will remember each other even they forget all the world. They don’t want to apart for a moment, which is touching.


第十四章 升官(三)第十章 代價(三)CDC says genital her八方相聲(112)忘了全世界只記得彼此2016年廣州半數學校覆蓋無線網科學技術的作文八方相聲(9)CDC says genital her問世間愛爲何物?3 people associated第九章 代價(二)第一章 墮落的核心第三章 不公第八章 代價(一)珠海一幼兒園首開粵語教學忽必烈和成吉思汗是什麼關係?忽必烈是因何醜小鴨第十五章 膽大第六章 咽不下第二章 工作第五章 毀滅(中)第十二章 日入200專家稱:狗肉節不合法展現時機:倫敦奧運開幕式即將登臺第四章 毀滅(上)專家稱:狗肉節不合法問世間愛爲何物?在韓中國人民志願軍烈士遺骸回家了科學技術的作文八方相聲(6)50%的希望第十二章 升官(一)八方相聲(9)第十四章 不愧是師傅如何創造更多時間第十章 代價(三)八方相聲(2)八方相聲(4)八方相聲(8)女孩爲夢想而努力第十二章 日入200Remains likely those第五章 橋豆麻袋如何創造更多時間3 people associated第十一章 代價(四)第十一章 公主八方相聲(112)貝克漢姆造訪同濟大學發生踩踏事故 致多人八方相聲(9)第五章 橋豆麻袋第十三章 10級第十四章 不愧是師傅第十三章 10級在韓中國人民志願軍烈士遺骸回家了忽必烈和成吉思汗是什麼關係?忽必烈是因何第七章 衝突第十章 代價(三)忘了全世界只記得彼此珠海一幼兒園首開粵語教學第十一章 公主在韓中國人民志願軍烈士遺骸回家了French government ba第五章 村子第五章 村子問世間愛爲何物?第十一章 公主大學生寄髒衣服回家洗第十章 代價(三)第十三章 10級專家稱:狗肉節不合法八方相聲(10)第八章 代價(一)中國雅虎郵箱今日關閉遺棄男孩稱接到大額捐款第十五章 城主大廳從百草園到三味書屋讀後感遺棄男孩稱接到大額捐款九名運動員服用興奮劑被禁賽第五章 橋豆麻袋CDC says genital her第十五章 膽大八方相聲(112)八方相聲(8)九名運動員服用興奮劑被禁賽展現時機:倫敦奧運開幕式即將登臺八方相聲(10)問世間愛爲何物?垃圾滲濾液處理工藝現狀淺析九名運動員服用興奮劑被禁賽問世間愛爲何物?八方相聲(10)第四章 打兔子2014公務員面試:如何儀表舉止更得體第五章 橋豆麻袋九名運動員服用興奮劑被禁賽第二章 工作第十五章 城主大廳第八章 擊殺(1)