影/智利暴動8死「地鐵車廂陷火海」超市遇洗劫 軍用車直接開進首都!



智利調漲地鐵票價掀起的暴力示威抗爭越演越烈,死亡人數已攀升至8人。內政部長查德威克(Andrés Chadwick)20日晚間表示,光是週日的嚴重暴力事件就有70起,超市、商家遭到洗劫,目前緊急狀態已擴大至北部、南部城市,首都聖地牙哥(Santiago)有1萬500名軍警駐守,必要時還會增加人力

#Santiago de #Chile right #now. #ChileProtests #SantiagodeChile #ChileSeCansó #military #cile #santiagochile pic.twitter.com/pn08CReJOu

THIS is what is happening in Chile; the president declared a state of emergency and curfew, now militaries are in the streets, shooting people. I am a chilean living in US, and I want to let y’all know this shitty situation. #Chile #ChileProtests #ChileDesperto pic.twitter.com/KCjtXKKTMH

綜合路透社外媒報導,聖地牙哥等大城市已陷入騷亂數天,知名北部海港安託法加斯塔(Antofagasta)、第六大城瓦爾帕萊索(Valparaiso)、瓦爾迪維亞(Valdivia)、塔爾卡(Talca)、奇廉(Chillan)、蝶夢谷(Temuco)、南部港口城市蓬塔阿雷納斯(Punta Arenas)已於19日上午進入緊急狀態。


WATCH: Looters steal from a supermarket in Santiago, #Chile amid domestic turmoil. #EstadoEmergencia #EvasionMasiva #DespiertaChile pic.twitter.com/SCRMkafBfm


儘管總統皮涅拉(Sebastián Piñera)授權軍方重建聖地牙哥秩序,但暴力示威、搶劫、縱火事件仍不斷髮生。內政部長查德威克則提到,「我們現在面臨(的抗爭)是一場真正的升級,毫無疑問的,是有組織對我們國家和每位公民帶來嚴重損害。」

►反地鐵票漲價「示威持續升溫」 智利宣佈實施宵禁

Chile. After the increase in the price of the metro ticket riots erupted in particular at #Santiago . Many metro stations went up in smoke. The state of emergency and a curfew have been established. #Chile pic.twitter.com/FkdiL9jMzy

#Chile Protests ▪️ 3 people have been killed by a fire inside a supermarket in Santiago▪️ Government declared state of emergency ▪️ Chilean President Piñera rolled back subway fare hikes that had prompted violent student protestspic.twitter.com/SPym0Il3hR