屋內傳巨響!美洲獅躺磁磚「圓眼納涼」 夫妻嚇壞:以爲是貓

夫妻發現家裡美洲獅闖入。(圖/翻攝自California Department of Fish and Wildlife臉書







野生動物保護組織California Department of Fish and Wildlife派遣專員協助,由於浴室在二樓,專員們先是走上去查看,美洲獅正悠閒的躺在地板休息,看到有人靠近,馬上用圓圓的大眼掃視,張嘴露出驚訝的表情彷彿在說,「咦?你們還在啊~地板借我躺一下」,維持同樣的姿勢,完全沒有要離開的意思


An intruder caught in the act! Last night, our deputies were called to the 16000 block of Oakhaven Lane in Sonora for reports of a break-in. The perpetrator slyly made his way through the open front door of the home. He did not threaten the resident or steal anything. After being spotted, he tried to make a run for it but ended up cornered in a bathroom. Fish and Wildlife were contacted and assisted our deputies in coaxing the mountain lion out of the second story bathroom window. He did get a stern warning about the break-in before being released. Fish and Wildlife do not consider mountain lion sightings near human habitation a public safety concern as long as the lion is not exhibiting aggressive behavior towards people. Mountain lions tend to be shy and extremely stealthy. That said, keep doors to your home and outbuildings closed and secure. If you do encounter a mountain lion here are some helpful safety tips: make noise, act defiant and not afraid, maintain eye contact, never run away, slowly create distance, and fight back if you’re attacked!

