禪意庭院 · 一種具有東方特色的文化屬性 | CULTURAL THOUGHT


"To the land of exhausted water, quietly watching the moment of the clouds" - Wang Wei, "the world is like a dream, raising a glass to the river moon wine" - Su Shi, this is the spiritual track that leads to immortality of life through "wonderful enlightenment". In thinking about the purpose of life (no specific purpose) and the nature of life (no essence), grasping the moment of the present, cherishing the emotions of the world, is the enlightenment of Zen.


The idea of Zen, as a philosophical thought with Oriental cultural characteristics, has been deeply influenced in many art forms, including poetry, painting, garden design and architectural style. Zen aesthetics not only has a positive guiding effect on the creative direction of modern designers, but also profoundly affects people's lifestyle and world outlook. By shaping individual character, it guides people to reach a higher level of harmony with life and the environment, and realizes a tacit understanding and resonance of the soul.


In exploring Zen, you experience a unique and direct personal realization that is the key to revealing the core principles of aesthetics and artistic creation. This principle is embodied in: neither actively pursue nor completely give up; Neither deliberate nor purely unconscious; Neither eliminating thoughts nor obsessing over them; The so-called balance between "living without living" and "living without going" reaches the state of "insight". One of the essence of Zen involves a momentary mystical understanding of time, known as the "eternal moment," or the "instant is eternal" intuitive experience, in which perceptual knowledge transcends the norm and the moment merges with eternity. The second essence of Zen Buddhism is to stimulate profound thinking about the meaning of life, to deeply stimulate the contingency of life and opportunities, and to guide people to explore the true meaning of life and the meaning of life and life existence from these contingencies.




"Chihiro Moman Zen Hotel" is a hotel located in the Expo site, which was formerly the Japan Pavilion in the International Pavilion. The building style is Japanese-style Machicho, featuring the iconic red maple leaf and cherry blossoms imported from Japan, which complement Chinese elements. If I could describe the atmosphere here in two words, it would be "quiet." The Kunming Expo Park, where the hotel is located, covers an area of about 218 hectares, with a vegetation coverage rate of 76.7%, surrounded by trees and flowers, making it more transcendent.


One thing all have Zen, and one scene is consistent with the Han and Tang Dynasties. The hotel integrates Han and Tang culture with modern light luxury, classical and fashion, graceful and luxurious, integrates the ancient charm of Han and Tang royal gardens and architecture, and advocates the modern life concept of experiencing life and tasting culture. There is a dry landscape in the courtyard, elegant atmosphere, the wind blowing through the bamboo forest shaking, ringing the wind chimes on the maple trees on the edge of the path. There is a pool of lake water in the courtyard, and the green plants are reflected in the lake, which is very quiet.




With 13 rooms named after Buddhist notes, they are designed to help guests find peace and harmony deep within themselves. Each room skillfully blends Zen elements with modern technology to create a unique atmosphere. The wooden furniture in the room has a classical charm, while the carefully selected tea sets and Buddha statues silently convey the Zen philosophy of life. To provide a total relaxation experience, each room is equipped with a private spa.