妳畫畫我陪妳! 療愈貓「杜拉」與自閉女童的暖心故事

療愈貓杜拉」與自閉女童故事。(圖/翻攝自Iris Grace Painting,下同)


本報曾報導,國外1只名叫「杜拉」(Thula)的緬因貓,加入「療愈貓」行列,成爲4歲自閉症女童艾莉絲(Iris Grace)的守護天使。如今艾莉絲已經6歲了,在杜拉的陪伴下,她漸漸從自我封閉的世界中走出來,不僅願意開口說話,還能和他人互動,讓家人們感動不已。





'Iris Grace' has now been Published ! hyperurl.co/IrisGraceTo celebrate the publication of my first book I wanted to make a film that would capture the enchanting world of Iris and Thula, so one summers day after I had set up all of Iris's painting kit outside I sat down in the shade and waited. It wasn't long before Iris and Thula went to the table and Iris started to paint. I listened to the hum of the bees and watched Thula as she played in the garden. Iris smiled at me as I saw the paint on the paper dance in the dappled light. Home video filmed and edited by Arabella Carter-Johnson with some help from Iris.