快訊/美小飛機起飛「秒成火球墜田野」 機上5人全罹難…趕赴葬禮卻遇空難




紐約普南特縣(Putnam County)警方表示,目前得知5名乘客全數罹難,尚未釐清飛機失事的主要要原因,但死者中包括兩名小孩,令人相當遺憾。居住在失事地點的附近居民表示,當時看到一架飛機起飛後開始盤旋,接着報出火光,飛機掉落在田野中發出巨大的聲響。

Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills has provided a picture of a plane wreck moments after it crashed in Eatonton earlier today. Sills confirms there were no survivors of the crash. Our thoughts and prayer go out to family and loved ones. Read more here: https://t.co/QMN3BxugKY pic.twitter.com/e0EusTcbZ8

.@spann @WesWeather @JimCantore @BradNitzWSB A plane has just crashed in Putnam County, GA. A large boom was heard from as far as 10 miles away. Debris fires have broken out in a neighbrorhood just west or Lake Oconee pic.twitter.com/NMCFWNw0Up