礁島鹿躲艾瑪颶風困破屋 獲救狂舔水瓶連喝4罐

▲渴死我啦!(圖/翻攝自Monroe County BOCC)


艾瑪颶風橫掃美國佛羅里達州消防強森(Nicholas Johnson)災後清理時在一座毀損建築物裡發現一頭鹿,這頭鹿連日沒喝水已經奄奄一息,最後猛灌了4瓶水才恢復活力,往樹叢裡頭跑去。



This morning a fire crew from Delray Beach Fire Department was surveying some damaged residential structures as part of a Strike Team and came across a weakened Key deer inside. "I don't know who was more startled the deer or me," said Lieutenant Nicholas Johnson, who is part of the Strike team but works for Broward Sheriff's Office Fire Rescue. "I am just glad to not only help the residents, but the wildlife as well." After four hand fed bottles of water, the buck gathered enough strength to run off. DISCLAIMER: This is an extraordinary circumstance involving a distressed deer and a trained first responder. Residents of the Florida Keys should contact Florida Fish and Wildlife if they come across a deer in distress.