海外疫情持續延燒 從哈佛校長的公開信學英文

海外疫情持續延燒 從哈佛校長的公開信學英文(示意圖/shutterstock達志影像 提供)

從去年(2020)年初COVID-19肺炎疫情爆發以來,每個人的生活都大受影響,不但生活受限,各國政府也相繼呼籲民衆減少外出,要保持社交距離(social distancing),必要時要懂得自我隔離(self-quarantine)。

在疫情嚴峻的時刻,大家都聞疫色變,去年3月13日,哈佛大學因爲校內出現首例COVID-19新冠病毒確診個案,哈佛大學校長Lawrence Seldon Bacow給全校師生髮了一封公開信,字裡行間不但顯露出一位學校大家長的關愛,更看到一位領導者對於人權與人性的重要提醒。本次就讓我們從這封公開信學經典英文佳句。


信中,校長說明哈佛社區出現第一位接受測試呈現陽性的病例(tested positive),同時還有另外兩人接受檢疫等待結果(await test result)。他在信中這樣提醒:

Ensuring the anonymity of these individuals is paramount. If you are aware of their identities please respect their privacy so that they can focus completely on their health.


The last thing they need—or any of us would want for them—is public attention and scrutiny. We will do everything we can to support these individuals through what is undoubtedly a disconcerting and difficult time.


I must reiterate the responsibility that each of us has in keeping our community safe. Everyone should be following the preventive recommendations that have been shared previously. Please re-familiarize yourself with these practical and effective measures.


抗疫時期 困境考驗人性


No one knows what we will face in the weeks ahead but everyone knows enough to understand that COVID-19 will test our capacities to be kind and generous and to see beyond ourselves and our own interests.

(沒有人知道我們在接下來幾週會面臨什麼,但每個人都要清楚瞭解,COVID-19 病毒將會考驗我們在患難時刻顯示出的善良和慷慨,及考驗我們可否超越自我和自身利益的能力。)

Our task now is to bring the best of who we are and what we do to a world that is more complex and more confused than any of us would like it to be. May we all proceed with wisdom and grace.


全球人類共同抗疫,考驗的不僅是各國的應變能力與醫療體系,更考驗各國人民的善心與人性。文末,我借用一句安琪拉卡修女注(Mother Mary Angelica) 的名言,鼓舞你我。“Faith is what gets you started. Hope is what keeps you going. Love is what brings you to the end.”信念使你起身,希望讓你堅持,愛帶你到達終點。

注: 安琪拉卡修女(1923-2016)是全球最大宗教媒體之一,天主教「全球永生之言電視臺」(EWTN)的創辦人,被稱爲是美國最具影響力的女天主教徒。
