哈瑪斯發射火箭彈!特拉維夫警報大響 以軍警告加薩醫院「快疏散」




missile landing between Holon and Rishon Lezion, south of Tel Aviv. pic.twitter.com/D17dvoWaOX

據ABC報導,哈瑪斯證實,該組織在25日晚間向特拉維夫發射了一枚M90火箭彈。隨後以色列國防軍表示,這枚火箭彈落在了特拉維夫南部裡雄萊錫安(Rishon Lezion)的「空曠地帶」。以色列緊急服務官員指出,這場襲擊並未直接造成人員傷亡,但有一名26歲女性在避難過程中受傷。

pic.twitter.com/uoJw9orGvFThe scene from inside Al-Aqsa Martyrs HospitalDue to the occupation's orders and threats, the hospital is being evacuated. It is the only one remaining in the central governorate.The Ministry of Health in Gaza "demands the protection of Al-Aqsa…

無國界醫生25日發佈聲明,聲稱以軍對加薩中部的艾格撒烈士醫院(Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital)發出了疏散令,隨後醫院附近約250公尺處發生爆炸,導致病人和醫護人員陷入恐慌,大部分病人選擇撤離。巴勒斯坦衛生部表示,爆炸發生前,醫院共有650名住院病人,但目前院內只剩下100人,另有7名病患仍住在加護病房。

This is the last photo from ICU in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. We have been forced to evacuate hospital, there will be no doctor or nurse, and patients will be left to inevitably. Please any one can see this post do any thing to stop this genocide I will not leave the hospital pic.twitter.com/EYqxj1LRr1
