更新/索馬利亞首都軍事基地爆炸!濃煙竄天 至少8死15傷
索馬利亞首都摩加迪休(Mogadishu)一處軍事基地8日稍早發生爆炸事件。根據BBC駐地記者Mowliid Haji Abdi取得的消息,一名自殺炸彈客駕着滿載爆裂裝置的車子,在軍事基地大門口引爆,至少造成8名士兵死亡,另有至少15人受傷。
#BREAKING: Footage shows massive blast in Mogadishu, Somali army base targeted according to my sources. #Somalia pic.twitter.com/gBOo2beHSg
BREAKING: Car full of explosives hits Somali military base near Bar-Ayaan Junction in #Mogadishu's Wardhigley district. High number of casualties feared. Witnesses report seeing ambulance vehicles going in & out of the base. Details still sketchy. #Somalia pic.twitter.com/4dxFm1tEbx