菲律賓將臺灣列中國疫區 菲駐臺代表:爲造成混淆的說法致歉



防疫武漢肺炎,不少國家已宣佈暫停中國旅客入境。不過,根據菲律賓媒體報導,菲律賓衛福部副部長杜明戈(Eric Domingo)10日表示,爲了遵循「一箇中國」政策臺灣也被列入禁止入境的範疇。不過,菲律賓駐臺代表巴納佑(Angelito Banayo)稍早也就該造成混淆的說法向我外交單位表示歉意


對此,菲律賓駐臺代表巴納佑(Angelito Banayo)稍早也就該造成混淆的說法向我外交單位表示歉意。他強調,已親自透過執行秘書總統辦公室傳達「臺灣公衛部門如何全面抵禦傳染病傳播事實」。


菲國駐臺代表處MECO主席Angelito Banayo致外交部亞太司長葛葆全文

Dear DG Baushan Ger: the statement made by a Health Undersecretary, Dr. Eric Domingo, is not an official position. He based it on WHO’s political classification and not on health issues which is what his Department is concerned with. I have personally conveyed to the Office of the President, thru the Executive Secretary, the fact that Taiwan health protocols have been very comprehensive and sent him the Fact Sheet on how your govt is controlling the spread of the contagion. There will be a Task Force nCov meeting on Wednesday morning attended by DOH, the Ofc of the Pres, Bureau of Immigration and Dept of Foreign Affairs to come up with a decision. Meantime, immigration on the ground is not banning Taiwanese entry. My apologies for the confusing statements.


►外交部:菲律賓政府「平行間」沒有完整溝通 導致國人入境受阻►菲律賓下禁令 蘇貞昌「臺灣冤枉」:許多國家不知而採用一中►菲律賓將臺灣列中國疫區 菲駐臺代表:爲造成混淆的說法致歉


►反制菲律賓禁臺人 民衆黨:可禁止菲人入境臺灣►菲律賓禁臺灣人入境 洪孟楷要求外交部停止菲國免籤►郝龍斌批「粗暴地便宜行事」:外交部應立即要求菲律賓政府收回禁令
