費城緝毒警匪槍戰持續中!槍手藏身大樓 6警中彈送醫

▲ 消息指出,警方曾試圖讓槍手保持平靜走出來,但失敗收場。(影片取自YouTube,如遭刪除請見諒。)



▲▼ 槍戰消息傳出後,大批警力趕到現場 。(圖/達志影像美聯社,下同)


Philly Police Commissioner: Police have been attempting contact with suspect. He has picked up his phone but has not spoken, instead continued to fire shots hitting the swat vehicle and nearby structures. Believes the officers inside the home are OK. @CBSPhilly #philadelphia



▲ 影片取自YouTube,如遭刪除請見諒。

費城警察局長羅斯(Richard Ross)表示,槍手開槍的行爲幾乎持續整個晚上,似乎是沒有受傷,「但已經有一段時間沒有開槍了」,「這讓我們樂觀認爲,他似乎已經開始理解…他出來投降是有好處的。」

Update: 2 PPD Officers who were in house with shooter have been safely evacuated by PPD SWAT. Suspect is still armed and inside house. Continue to avoid the area.

BREAKING: We just arrived to Temple University Hospital where multiple officers were transported after being shot in North Philadelphia. It is a very active scene here and we’re working to determine the condition of the officers. At least 5 officers injured. @CBSPhilly pic.twitter.com/ULWTk4cHpA