Behaviour官方:與網易達成合作 望大家享受第五人格

5月16日,海外開發商Behaviour Interactive在官網發佈公告稱,他們與本站已達成合作夥伴關係。在本站《第五人格上線前,Behaviour就已經同意在這款遊戲中採用《黎明殺機》的遊戲元素機制,此外,公司旗下游戲總監Mathieu Cote及產品經理Alex Lin被邀請以玩法顧問身份參與其中,助力《第五人格》的全球化探索之路。


We’re excited to announce that Behaviour Interactive is now working in cooperation with renowned Chinese game development company, NetEase Games.

We’ve given our consent to NetEase to incorporate gameplay elements of Dead by Daylight in their new asymmetrical mobile game, Identity V.

Our director Mathieu Coté and product manager Alex Lin have been invited by NetEase to serve as consultants on Identity V, providing input and offering advice to help make the game a global success.

We’re so glad to see the continued support and love shown to Dead by Daylight as well as the growing demand for asymmetrical multiplayer games. We hope you’ll enjoy Identity V and we thank all of you for playing the games we are so passionate about.