Beautiful Shandong: Pocket parks popular with residents in Dezhou

In a street park at the entrance of a community, children are playing, and local residentsare strolling or doing exercies, or havinga cup of coffee at a bookstore in the center of the park.

Such scenes are often seen at Decheng district of Dezhou city, northern Shandong. To the west of Yuying Street in Decheng District and to the north of the College Convenience Service Station, a beautiful street park has taken place of abandoned factory buildings. It was designed as a Suzhou garden and built in the southern China style.

The park consists of a tourist area, a leisure area and an entertainment area, creating a good venue for leisure and entertainment for residents.

Up to now, 12 such pocket parks have been built in Decheng district.

According to a statement published by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,China aims to build at least 1,000 pocket parks in 2022.

(Shandian news)